Leagues have gotten off to a busy start in just its first week, and now is a good time to start keeping track of your matches!
A simple spreadsheet on your program of choice (be it Excel, OpenOffice, or Google Docs) will be of great assistance to you in keeping track of your progress and ensuring that your matches don't get invalidated for breaking cooldown or limit rules. It is the player's responsibility to keep track of their matches played, and it also helps reduce the amount of time the Organizers have to spend dealing with invalidating matches
Some useful data to keep track of:
Standings updates will be done regularly, at a pace appropriate to the League Organizers' workloads. We try to aim for two updates each week, but if you are desperate to find out your rating before updates are made, use the
>>Do-It-Yourself League Scoring Calculator<< (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AuizmEpb-KgrdEYyaHpaXzdocFlTbVdiQ0hQczB2YVE&hl=en_US#gid=0) developed by
With so many people asking for updates on a near hourly basis to see their scores, and others simply asking for the ratings are calculated, I figured the best option would be to just set up a sample calculation spreadsheet for everyone to use.
It's incredibly simple to use, just put in the score of the winning player in Column A and the score of the losing players in Column B and the new ratings will be displayed for you in Column F and Column G. Enjoy!
NOTE: This is a tool meant for personal use to get a fairly accurate view of scores. The results are in no way official or binding to League scoring but they should be very close.