Western Tournament - December 24th - The Twelve Days of Elements - UpgradedOrganizer: Higurashi or pikachufan2164When?To find out your local time, check this link:
http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?day=24&month=12&year=2011&hour=18&min=00&sec=0&p1=0Where?Please enter Elements Chat (
http://elementscommunity.org/chat/blab.php) "Tournament Room" at least
15 minutes before the tournament starts. If chat is down, enter #elementstournament as channel and enter your forum username as nickname at
http://www.chatspike.net/webchat/RulesPlease read PvP Tournament rules (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,6997.0.html) carefully before signing up.
NOTE: people with less than 30 forum posts are not allowed to enter tournaments.Special RulesUpgraded cards are allowed, but not required.
Shards are not allowed.
All weapons, shield, PC, and CC cards are banned.
Poison is banned.
Only the following creatures may be used. You may only use up to the particular number of copies indicated by the song in your deck.
For example, Phoenix is maximum 1 per deck, Vulture is maximum 2 per deck, Fate Egg is maximum 6 per deck, Stone Dragon is maximum 6 per deck, Nymphs + Nymph's Tears are a total maximum of 6 per deck, etc.
12 Drummers Drumming -
Graviton Mercenary11 Pipers Piping -
Guardian Angel10 Lords a Leaping -
Immortal9 Ladies Dancing -
Nymph's Tears +
Nymphs of any element (total)
8 Maids a Milking -
Parasite7 Swans a Swimming -
Stone Dragon6 Geese a Laying -
Fate Egg5 Golden Rings -
Fallen Elf4 Calling Birds -
Wyrm3 French Hens -
Cockatrice2 Turtle Doves -
Vulture1 Partridge in a Pear Tree -
PhoenixSpecial: Photon, Spark, and Ball Lightning may be used (max. 6 copies per deck).
Ray of Light is BANNED.FAQ available in the Eastern thread (
Special rules for this tournament courtesy of
