I wondered when a 'Yuki-onna' will appear as a card idea, as Japanese mythology is somehow popular amongst many Elements players (probably because it 'feels exotic'?). Personally I don't think they fit in the theme of the game well, but that's just my opinion. Still, I love the stories of the Yuki-onna, too bad there's no real english translation for their name.
As for the card, the only thing I can't figure out thematically, is that how can you catapult the spirit of someone who died in the snow? That just doesn't make sense to me. Other than that, I would love to see some straight synergies between Gravity and Water. Even if it would widen the use of Freeze+Catapult.
If I count correctly, the damage done would look like this (if thrown): 6 for the unupped (9 frozen), 10 for the upped (14 frozen). Comparing it with a Steam Machine, it causes the same damage unupped for -1
, but does 14 (20) for the same
cost. Yet, Yuki-onna triggers her passive skill this way, but I don't really know how powerful the ability is - besides this, the opponent isn't really forced to actually target the creature, because by herself she is not much of a threat. Maybe if she had her stats raised (especially more ATK), or maybe giving her an active ability too would help with it (They were known for being really 'murderous' and aggressive spirits with mortals anyway).
A bit of polishing, and it's an awesome card. And awesome art too, nice find!