I don't really get it, it's a shield and you sacrivice a creature and shield will act like an armaigio, or? ???
and if it's hp is down will it be destroyed?
??? ??? Too many questions ??? ???
Yeah, the text needs fixing. I only got it reading the examples in the old post... I think you should do something about that.
Shield: Absorb damage.

Eat: Sacrifice a creature and gains its hp. Can be used multiple times per turn.
I don't know if it would fit, but if you don't put in an understandable text, the card will likely die

Now about it, I agree with OldTrees that it's not OP. It's not that much better than Gravity Pulling a Flying Titan, as it would still attack, not to mention that it's total cost + the amount of cards required makes it balanced.
I like how this buffs high-hp creatures, and

as a whole