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Mmm, yummy 9 card salvage from
's deck. Well, we figured this deck was coming and prepared for it pretty well. To
's credit, TheManuz's deck is still formidable enough to do a lot of damage if the draws aren't there for my deck, but luckily for me, they were.
Games 1, 2, and 3: There really wasn't a ton of drama to any of these games. He played creatures, I killed them with Rage Pots or Fire Bolts as necessary, we stood there looking at each other as we amassed quanta, I would heal up using Stone Skins, then I would finish him off. Game 2 held a small amount of drama when we had a late-game desync, but we agreed to play it out and I won on my end while he lost on his (two draws from desync, as it happened). Game 3 he was able to knock me down fairly low due to very fast Minor Phoenixes (Phoenixi?) and Eternity (that damn thing came out early every game, it seemed), while all I kept doing was drawing quanta. I Stone Skinned a couple of times before I wanted to, but I finally drew my shield + PA combo that we did specifically for this deck matchup and it was just a matter of time from there.
Like I said to you before, TheManuz, there really wasn't much you could've done in any of those games, but you definitely tried your best. Good luck going forward.
This is my Pulvy....