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EQs destroy rainbow decks without novas.
Game 1: Early EQ takes out 3 pillars, leaving him with only an arsenic for awhile. Eventually got an arsenic, spider, grabby, and fog shield out, and kept EQing pillars. 1-0
Game 2 God-like draw. 2 novas, 3 pillars/pends, a spider and a shield, and kept top decking creatures. Ended the game in about 6 turns with 3 spiders, a grabby, a mummy and a forest spirit on the field. 2-0
Game 3: Mal had a much better hand this game, getting out an early fog, chysaora and warden. I EQ'd his pillars to stop quanta draw for warden, but eventually he was able to get the quanta. Managed to draw a lightning to stop the warden and kept piling damage with spiders, mummies, shriekers, and spirits. His arsenic and poison was not enough a I finished him off. 3-0
Good games Mal, you are one fun opponent to play against.