Let me start by saying that this match is among the top3 of my best warmatches ever.
Iman00b8 played like a pro and his deck was obviously designed with much care. Anybody who made it knew what to play against us.
In the end I won with bare luck.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i4 5i8 5i8 5i8 5i8 5ie 5ie 5ie 5ie 5ie 5rk 5rk 5rk 5rk 5rk 7gt 7gt 7gt 8ps
My RTs were totally dead cards. Iman never allowed me a chance to delay his play.
Game1: I was very nervous when I saw the mark. I thought Iman will want to PU my creatures while stalling with dimshield. Then I saw the catapults and thought otherwise. Anyways, I had a good amount of pillars coming so I could play a few creatures fast. My attack got slowed down when Iman played the first shield. Fortunately it expired wituout him playing another one, and at that point I played 2 dragons. Eventually my creatures battered down Iman's HP so I was able to finish with a bolt.
Iman played a Titan too which got frozen by one of my bolts. 1-0
Game2: More or less the same flow as the first one, Iman had a bad draw and I was able to damage him severely before the dshields were up. I froze the Titans (they got animated and catapulted nevertheless) and at the end he just couldn't play another life-saving shield and I won. 2-0
I knew that the deck is dangerous, but I won the first two games with a fair amount of HP left so i thought with a bit of luck, I could make a 3-0. Well that was not to happen.
Game3: I had a pretty bad hand, I couldn't play a toad until turn3. Iman had a good one, early shields and Titans. I wasted a bolt on him which failed to freeze his weapon. He waited with the shields very carefully, playing them exactly at the moment he should (this was the case along the entire duel, ba worse and more nervous player would have wasted them too early.) He was able to animate and PU a Titan, and fling both in the same round with two catapults. That and a bit more damage together killed me. I had no real chance here. 2-1
Game4: I had a bad had this time too; only a different kind of bad: my hand got clogged up with useless RTs. I played my creatures as I drew them, but a few well- timed shields and a freeze-fail kept Iman ahead. In the end he just titaned me to death. 2-2
Final: By this point I was pretty nervous, and my hearthrate just got higher along the game. Iman slipped a round with a shield, I was able to hit him with a dragon before any shield was played, but he had a very early Titan to match my speed. I managed to freeze it this time, and I was able to wither down his HP. He PUed and flinged his two Titans, so I had only 16 HP left. At this point his shield ran out and no new one followed. I played everything I had in my hand, and damaged him to kill-range. Iman had 2 cards in his hand. After pressing the spacebar, I kept staring at his two cards while holding my breath, fingers crossed, and every second counted. He PU ed my dragon. I thought I was lost (I lost track of my HP) but in the end I had a measly 5 HP left. I just had to press the spacebar for the win. 3-2
Thank you for tha games, and wish you good luck for the rest of the War!
(And hoorray for first blood!)