Nova: 1 per element net swing
Supernova: 2 per non
net swing
Black Hole: up to 3 per element net swing and hp
Quanta Leak: Opponent's quanta round down to closest even number net swing
1) Why leak? It can be more quanta than Supernova.
2) Why water?
3) How much quanta do you expect is gained with each use on average? (rough estimate)
1) Because it's leaking from the opponent quanta.
2) Because of the leak theme. The picture explains it better. I also wanted to avoid explicitly


since they have Devourers and Black Holes.
3) Highly variable. I thought of many scenarios.
It can gain ~25-30 quanta from a mono stall deck in endgame.
It can gain ~48 (~4 quanta per element) from a rainbow in midgame.
About ~3-5 (total) from a duo on the second/third turn.
On average i would say around ~8.