-Fix the TEXT section of the table so that it matches the card image's description exactly (Add the text following the word, "Immaterial", to the table)
-Also, please use the new Darkness background for the cards using the new Card Image builders (they support the new 1.29 Darkness backgrounds)
I personally think that you're attempting to cram a tad too much into one creature, and the name of it sounds more appropriate for a permanent; that said though, the 'linked upon death' concept is something I would focus on moreso in the description, while removing the status bonuses, quanta draining, and other active ability. ^^; But to each his own.
The text issue should be corrected, and I will update the image as soon as possible. EDIT: Done.
However, while it would be thematic for the card to be a permanent, I prefer the idea of seeing your CDE's literally spread across your board, along with being able to block out other creatures and be limited by your creatures. (Darkness is very good at spamming Pests, so limitation should not be a problem.) With a permanent, the interaction with other creatures is not possible.
In addition, it would be worded rather oddly if it was a permanent. Something along the lines of:
"Weapon: Deal X damage at the end of every turn, when X is equal to 5*2^Y, when Y is equal to the number of turns that this card has been in play. Drain 2^Y each turn. Immaterial."
Would that be correct? If so, I definitely prefer it as a creature. Sparks aren't "creatures", so to say, but this card is (thematically) almost identical.