once you reach platinum, or more specifically own all the cards besides nymphs and enough

to do what you want...then what? submit a deck once a week, twice if you get bored. grind a bunch to give your submitted deck 5 more hp. is there anything beyond the card collection grind for long term players? there should be!
its fine that players use their unlimited time and effort to create the content for arena (submitted decks). its not fine that how well we play, win, and lose as a PLAYER ends up completely hollow and empty. that we are supposed to care about a submitted deck we never see in action more than our ability to actually play in arena is disappointing.
we submit the hardest and craziest decks we can, but have no purpose to actually play against them.
arena is a great addition to the game. we just need a scoring system to utilize it and reward players for participating. heres some examples
1) all platinum league games have a separate scoring system (edit- reset each week). for example < 2 points for a win, 3 points for EM, and -1 point for a loss >. these numbers are completely made up. submitted arena decks will be automatically removed on day 8, possibly day 7 (no freebies). minimum 25 games per week to qualify. spamming games should be a risk, but not always discouraged (you could hit a losing streak and fight back or just sit on a score...until you see people pass it!)
2) top 10/15/20 decks per week qualify as the heroic mode the next week. heroic mode pits each player against those decks one at a time, random order. competition among everyone to win the most games out of those 10/15/20. players need to face all 10/15/20 decks by end of week to be ranked.
winners added to hall of fame, at least. thinking up rewards isnt the hard part.
thats my ideas so far. feedback please!
- edit - seems no one cares about meaningful endgame. ill admit its been fun building the card collection. BUT, if i knew it was just going to be player submitted FG decks and waiting on fools to push spacebar in PvP...might not have bothered. id trade the entire arena right now for a 30 second turn cycle PvP with a ranking system for players.