200hp, 60 wisdom, 2x card draw, 2x mark
Oracle Card: PHOENIX
wins: 5 losses: 4 rank: >500 Rating: -104 Age: 1
2/5 thumbs up
I mentioned all of the decks I didn't want to do last time. I ended up using some shards of freedom anyway, because it synergized with both the phoenixes and the maxwell's. The demon/buckler combo lets the deck theoretically kill most creatures fairly quickly. The discords stall for awhile in order to get set up. The freedom shards get past pesky shields and increase the damage output, which is fairly low. The shards of patience are solely to counter opposing shards of sacrifice, and my own shards of sacrifice keep the deck alive hopefully long enough to win. I playtested one game, and it turns out the AI is pretty bad with it, and will play shards of freedom before anything else, which stalled it by several turns. I kept them in anyway, since I didn't really care if the deck bellyflopped, I just wanted something interesting that hadn't been done.
Today's card is stone dragon. The most obvious choices in my mind for that are monoearth and an earth/light stall with the dragons for damage, so of course I won't be doing either one of those. The elements that I think I see least often paired with earth would be death, life, and entropy, so I think I'll do one of those. (or more, if I can think of a neat trio) If I do entropy, I won't do a discord/quicksand deck, though.
Also, I gained level 76 now, so +1 arena point. I also finished getting the trainer edition of cards (24 of each pillar/pend upped) so I'll have enough upped quanta for all but the very fattest of duos.
edit: fixed typos. Also, I should mention one of the wins was against me; I faced my own deck. The win was legitimate; I didn't concede or anything, but I did of course thumbs up my own deck