Wow. I too just had this idea independently - the one with Hope in Bhlewos' post, anyway. Was browsing the Featured Card topic and the phrase "has no active ability" made me think "works with passives" which led to "what about Voodoo?"
Voodoo Hope should be extremely stable once it's set up. Since Adrenaline will not improve the quality of the Hope shield, but only the amount of

generated, I'd work with Rustler and Mitosis, and Jade Dragons for the win. That type of deck should only be vulnerable to Mutation, RT, and Lobo when it sets up - and ONLY the Mitosis'd Doll, thanks to the fact that Luciferin can re-Light all the Dolls once the shield starts getting weak. (My experience forming Bedouin's Prayer taught me how powerful Luciferin is against Lobo.)