Since this thread (,27792.0/topicseen.html) has been created, I checked if
my speedbow idea has been submitted already (it was created before, I'm sure of it, but has somebody shared it?). I found out the most similar deck was OGEM (,21670.msg296369#msg296369), which is sufficiently different IMO for this to deserve a thread on its own.
It is still a work in progress and all feedback is very welcome indeed. However, one thing must be kept in mind: this is not a farming deck, nor an EM deck. It's a PvP deck, and I find it's pretty efficient at what it does.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u5 6u5 6u5 713 713 74f 74f 74f 77g 77g 7ap 7ap 7dm 7ds 7n8 7n8 7n8 7t9 80g 8pj
Here is the version I came out with after a bit of thinking. I used something similar in Budokan's final, but I made a few changes since then.
+ the deck can face practically everything with a good chance of winning
+ wings are awesome
+ discord BH is awesome
- no CC (Spiders and Wings work for some decks, but they don't against other decks)
- very few critters make it a (comparatively) slow deck (although it can be pretty mean on a good hand)
- a bit prone to CC (few creatures, again)
Discord / BH: Kirchj's TADAbow has already shown how much three discords and three black holes can be a pain in the ass for your opponent. This deck uses this tactic to slow down your opponent, scramble his quanta and heal a good deal when facing a rainbow - or even an immorush. The discord arrives in about three turns most times, so it's not fast enough to stop his early play, but can be devastating against some stalls.
Flesh Recluse / Phase Recluse / Wings: three Wings are 15 turns of protection against a PC free rush deck. You won't face one when upped, but sometimes they will waste their PC on Discord. Three (or more) spiders mean even flying creatures will be stopped.
Graboids: Some real punch is needed, as this deck packs very few creatures, and two graboids rarely hurt a deck.
Explosion / Steal: PC cards, better in than out.
Mitosis: This card is definitely worth the price. You can play a couple Frogs instead of these, or some other strong hitters, but the synergy this provides with spiders and the MP is worth it in my experience. Rather weak to CC, but you can almost always use it as a sort of twin universe. Also, if not stopped it more than makes up for the lack of creatures in the deck.
Some alternatives are a Steel Golem and an Abyss Crawler instead of Graboids (if you're facing CC heavy decks, these can be worth it as they are also passable Mitosis targets), an Electrum Hourglass, a Sanctuary and / or a Purify instead of anything (they are all pretty useful in this deck), another MP instead of the Explosion or a Gargoyle instead of the Steal if you don't face many troublesome Permanents.
P.S.: As for the name, well, that song rocks.