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Round 6 - Salvaging, Discarding, Penalties and Converting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26522.msg337339#msg337339
« on: May 20, 2011, 07:06:50 am »
Round 6 - Salvaging, Discarding, Penalties and Converting

Salvaging - 18
1   x   Fractal
11 x   Nova
3   x   Horned Frog
3   x   Cockatrice

Discarding - 60
10 x   Obsidian Pillar
2   x   Dusk Mantle
3   x   Drain Life
6   x   Voodoo Doll
20 x   Dark Pendulum
1   x   Vampire Stiletto
2   x   Momentum
2   x   Gravity Pull
6   x   Acceleration
6   x   Sanctuary
2   x   Miracle

- none -

Converting - 14
11 x   Nova
1   x   Reflective Shield
2   x   Miracle

- to -

5   x   Obsidian Pillar
9   x   Dark Pendulum


  • Guest
Re: Round 6 - Salvaging, Discarding, Penalties and Converting https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=26522.msg337341#msg337341
« Reply #1 on: May 20, 2011, 07:08:24 am »
These are the available options for our discard and salvage: (open image in new tab/window )

This is how our vault should be once updated: (open image in new tab/window )

Obsidian Pillar-53025
Dusk Mantle-275
Drain Life-363
Voodoo Doll-660
Dark Pendulum-117766
Vampire Stiletto-176
Gravity Pull-220
Horned Frog+303
Reflective Shield-110

Here are my thoughts:

We lost our stall buster.. but I doubt there's any water or fire stall left. I like to keep the DLs, use it in our lycan deck maybe?
    Mith's deck - Keep 2 LS, 2 Dragons and 1 Stilt
    mrpaper's deck - Keep 5 DL
We can get another nova graboid here from Wizcat and Oni, though we should probably convert them instead. Either way, we can just take this first and decide if we want to convert later..  ;)
    Wizcat - 5 Nova and idk.. 1 Lightning?
    Oni - 5 Graboids and idk.. 1 Arsenic?
    sux - Everything here sux... Take 6 Life pends and convert.
Things to consider: Following the above suggestions, we are losing 10 out of 30 pillars and 20 out of 77 pends.

Definitely convert:
2 Miracles - We can't rebuild our DL/miracle stall because we can't salvage from a sub match (even if we can, I don't think it's worth it)
1 Reflective Shield?
6 Life pends

