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Game 1: Played a couple pillar and pends and 2 poisons. He played a lone pendulum and then got out a Lobotimizer. I slowly built up quanta while he got more pillars and played a Phase Dragon. I played a Bonewall at around 50 HP when I had 8 poison counters on him. Pretty soon I had enough quanta to kill him with my 3 Fire Bolts in hand + 8 poison damage.
Game 2: Same start for both of us, he got more pillars and pends this time but didn't play any dragons. I only drew 2 poisons for the whole match, but I had 4 bolts, so I just waited. I played Bonewall when he got a dragon out and eventually bolted him to death.
There wasn't much he could do with mono aether. A favorable matchup for me. Thanks for the games, EngPhys.