
Offline BonestormTopic starter

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(1.27)[FG Deck] Dark Purple Rain - ~40% Non-Normalised Winrate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25226.msg321721#msg321721
« on: April 28, 2011, 05:19:17 am »
Deck Helper comment: 
This deck was posted before the 1.32 game update and as a result may work very differently now.  Use at your own risk.

Dark Purple Rain   by Bonestorm
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 6ve 77f 7ap 7h0 7h0 7h0 7h0 7k0 7n0 7qu 7qu 7qu 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t9 80h 80h 80h 80h 8pp

*Sorry the guide isn't updated, my old laptop died & I've therefore lost 200 or so screenshots which is frustrating >:( I'll get it finished off sometime this week hopefully, I'll use the deck to get more screenies, and if by some kind of miracle I get my old laptop up and working it will be fully finished and nicely pictorial.*

This deck will not work unupgraded.

It would come as no surprise to me if the elements community were vastly aware of the Nymphomania deck and concept, but I'm not so sure if so many are aware that it has a pretty decent win rate and is a great alternative deck to play that won't hurt your score and will gain you fair electrum. At 30 cards and 32k this deck is no overweight price to pay for a fully upped deck, cheaper still in the long run though when a lot of the cards have synergy with a wide range of other decks such as :entropy Pendulums and Supernovas. I've thoroughly enjoyed using 3 or 4 types of deck like this and this is my take in maximising efficency while keeping it equally/making it more fun ;D. Because of the nature of this deck it has a fairly high EM rate (around 65% from testing.) This deck only has one autoquit in Divine Glory. Another good factor is that because it's dependant on a combo the majority of your losses are quick ones. The deck sometimes takes personal judgement on whether or not to take certain actions/risks in order to get the win so experience of the gods will go a long way.

Simply put, this deck uses the combination of liquid shadow and antimatter in order to hurt the opponent- that is the cornerstone tactic. A Nymph's tear used on :entropy Pendulum will produce a :entropy Nymph - using Shard of Readiness on that nymph will reduce it's skill (antimatter) cost to 0, quinting the nymph that same turn will make it untargetable by creature control. Producing a :darkness Nymph with the same combo on :darkness Tower will allow you to use the liquid shadow & antimatter combo every turn on a creature of your opponent.

You will almost always create :entropy Nymph first.

You will need an entropy pendulum to get started, one entropy pendulum in one turn will give you a return of two :entropy. This should be used to activate supernovas, activating two supernovas is enough to play Quintessence. Over that next turn, the entropy pendulum will give you enough :water to use a Nymph's tear on it. If the god has no cc you can do this immediately, if not wait until you have a SoR and Quintessence. Sometimes a false god can take up to 7 or 8 turns to even get started - and even then you only have to breakeven with the damage once it is played, so don't worry - you won't often have a nymph out as quickly as the 3rd turn, just as much as it won't often be needed until much later.

On the whole this deck will overproduce :darkness, and often grossly overproduce, this is just a by product of having three :darkness towers to increase draw and can be used to good effect. A lot of the time you will not even have to wait for a SoR for your second nymph, as it will be able to cast Liquid Shadow relatively freely anyway. This seems to be more efficient than taking away a :darkness tower and adding a SoR. The later the :darkness Nymph is played, often the less potential damage you can rack up.

Your third nymph will almost always be a :darkness Nymph, it has more base attack, aswell as providing more liquid shadows as there will generally be more antimattered creatures on the board than there are liquid shadowed ones since the :entropy Nymph was played first.

Non-combo cards in the deck include:

Shields: both can be played after just one Supernova.

Mirror Shield can save your life against any False God with spells - it is immune to permanent control and also blocks one damage.

Fog Shield is very useful against all False Gods without spells, sometimes it is in your interests to try and hang on to this shield by protecting it with the Pulveriser and luring other Permanent Control out on excess pendulums early (you will generally only need the one :entropy Nymph.)

Permanent Control: The AI's PC priority places :entropy pendulums ahead of :darkness towers. This often works in your favour as you have 5 pends needed for draw chance, but often only one nymph from it. Destroyed entropy pends after that will generally just slow your :water generation and possibly .

Pulveriser: Permanent Control on tap - a maximum potential of 6 targets can be destroyed providing a SoR doesn't nom one of your :gravity Quanta.

Steal: Comes in handy on a variety of occasions especially when you havent drawn pulveriser and need quick PC, or havent drawn a shield - use it on Turtle Shield vs Lionheart (Slows down immortality), Pulveriser vs Obliterator if you haven't got your own pulvy out.

Finally what comes as a serious damage/healing increase card:

Mitosis: I'm completely unaware as to whether anyone else has used this card in this kind of deck, but Mitosis has two fantastic uses. It can be used on high attack creatures of your opponent - with or without SoR if needed - so that more are produced to target with liquid antimatter. Your damage/healing will often rapidly increase from the moment this card is played. Make sure you can handle the increase in high attack monsters as the false god can play up to three of the creature in one turn if you're unlucky (ferox with earlyish dragons for example).
    Mitosis can also be used on your second :darkness nymph (more effective on gods with no creature control) to provide an army of them - effectiveness increased when used in conjuction with SoR. These new daughter nymphs will have the ability liquid shadow, and can be used to provide a wave of liquid shadow on antimattered creatures to provide overwhelming damage (aswell as fair base damage as the creatures are 5 per nymph.) It also has auxilliary use as a lobotomiser, the most effective case on a Micro Abomination with Butterfly Effect vs Dream Catcher, it removes BE and increases the amount of creatures available to combo to get that healing and damage rolling. I recommend holding on to Mitosis until mid/late game unless you are desperate to use it or are well informed of what the false god is capable of (but reckless play is more fun :P).

That is pretty much it for the general strategy, good luck and have fun Nymphin' it up  :D

7 Games - 6 Wins 1 Loss - Difficulty 1/5

Losing here will be entirely down to your draw as Akebono is very straightforward. Big HP creatures with fairly good attack make great creatures to Liquid Shadow-Antimatter combo. If you can afford to combo things that are overdriven late, letting them creep up to fair attack before antimattering and holding its healing/damage high with liquid shadow you'l speed things up, but deckout is extremely low on the list of worries. Fog Shield is nice as the dragons and overdriven armagios have high attack. Get :entropy nymph out ASAP, Quintessence isn't really neccesary I've never found Akebono to use Overdrive as CC (but could be the case if no dragons/armagios are out.)

2 Games - 0 Wins 2 Losses - Difficulty Varies/Can be Very Hard 3/5 (With the deck I primarily tested 6 Games - 3 Wins 3 losses)

I had a bit of a rough deal on draw with Chaos Lord the two matches I had. Watch out with Antimatter as he can and sometimes will mutate antimattered creatures - although he will be reluctant to mutate a druid itself so if he Chaos Power buffs a druid nice and big that's often safe. Liquid Shadow will remove the Imp. Mutation on the druids. Probably a little easier than it sounds but at times it can rush rather brutally.

6 Games - 1 Win 5 Losses - Difficulty 4/5 - With this deck he is a total bastard.

Dark Matter is an absolute scoundrel, master of denial and someone I love to hate. This guy is pretty tough for any deck without sanctuary. He will often rain down Black Holes on you till you forget what quanta even looks like. Hang onto your snovas and use them in bursts to get your :entropy live & kicking. From now on i'd be very hesitant to place any towers or pendulums other than a single :darkness unless it will allow you to play the nymph immediately in some way. Each one you play will likely result in an extra 1hp healing for him every turn down the line.

So Mrs. Purple is out! If you've got this far (congrats you don't fail at using the snovas/Dark Matter enjoys your company) you'l be able to win this in one of two ways.

1. He wont BH you in the next few turns and by a stroke of magic your :darkness nymph is out and you're kicking him right in the crotch liquid shadow style. The RNG loves you, feel very special. Be wary of Otyughs - when HP starts to fall from the poison they will sometimes start to snack on stuff, liquid shadow can remove devour if neccesary. Remarkably, if there is no Elite Armagio taking damage the Archangels will heal poisoned targets back to full HP which is nice.

2. You will have to make a nymph from scratch from a 9 card combo, and the RNG will determine how quickly this happens (you'l want it fast.) Excuse that the following pic is using the deck I used in prelim testing with arsenic but its really just to show the card combo. Early arsenic was great for this fight - :death's stacking up over the turns + :entropy nymph was enough for a comfy win.

7 games - 1 Win 6 losses - Difficulty 4.5/5

Wow. This guy is just frustratingly hard. Mirror shield removes the Siphon Life threat. Can be won if you get the :entropy :darkness combo rolling by AMing @ +2attack and smashing eclipses to make it -4.. even then he's probably still gonna have a fair chunk of his 200hp left after pulvy and nymph damage. I'd advise saving your own Steal to grab Pulveriser back if Decay shows a fancy for it. I somehow won using mitosis combo on a :darkness nymph and getting my kamikaze on :P (it wasn't that early in the game and I lost a lot of HP to siphon, i'm sure it can be done more convincingly).. just wait until you see the pic, this ones a doozie!

8 Games - 7 Wins 1 Loss - Difficulty Varies 2/5

I know this one can be fierce from when I was prelim testing. He's generally quite slow to set up though and can't really make a mess of things for you. In terms of creatures he can pull whatever from wherever so expect anything in this fight. Take care the with the druids, if he gets a horrible ability on something it can be dangerous. I've got some downright wild pics of this fight so i'll try and pick some standard sorts. Expect these scenarios:-

He pulls some nice fluffy creatures out of fate eggs and buffs things nicely to be antimattered:

You're struggling for damage, things are dying/have pathetic or 0 attack. He lucks out (you luck out) and gets something (anything he can play more of) with even reasonably nice damage (not neccesarily as awesome as a dragon) from an egg and mitosis will get you out of trouble/get your EM:

He draws a ton of hourglasses and each turn things get more and more hectic  :-X: (hectic = fun :P)

This has a very complex strategy that will take a lifetime to master.

 Quit the Game.

3 Games - 1 Win 2 losses - Difficulty 2-3/5

Dream Catcher makes me laugh. Not the easiest but far from the hardest. His damage output is generally low and so deckout is a little bit of a problem. He isn't known for rushing your face off and that is very much in your favour a collosally bad draw can all of a sudden turn into a good enough draw starting the late-game. Discord is the largest occupational hazard. Before he PAs it, it can of course be stolen or popped, and sometimes scramble will even help you. LS will lobotomise BE. Mitosis will lobotomise BE aswell as increasing the number of itty bitty crittys to combo. There is a risk of deckout versus DC. This pic is obviously 2 of his and one of my turns from the end so almost close in a 'ZOMG if he started with 240hp that could have been serious trouble' kind of way.

10 Games - 3 Wins 7 Losses - Difficulty 3/5

Elidnis can be impossible sometimes.. 'Forest Spectre?! LOL nothankyou' *proceeds to churn out phase dragons*, or.. 'I'm going to quint everything in sight'. He has puffer fish which can be a bit annoying late game, venom can be removed through LS bear this in mind if you're looking for early things to combo and there is only uli's, puffers and crawlers. Generally I like to let him mitosis a load of abyss crawlers to AM to negate the poison. Because of the ridiculous size of his deck, sometimes Elidnis wont draw any phase dragons at all, and more importantly sometimes won't even draw any puffers. If he's feeling frisky will TU a bunch of non-quinted, fairly beefy forest spectres, if you survive the first couple of turns of the burst you will win. This pic looks kinda chaotic but it's very much under control.

This is obviously an example of zero poison:

1 Games - 1 Win 0 Losses - Difficulty 3.5/5

I'm under no misconceptions here, I know how hard this can be with this deck. If you can AM a Ruby Dragon or two they will help a lot to negate the minor phoenix damage. I made it look brutally easy here, but after using my first decks I know this is definately not the case, I'd think early mitosis Ruby Dragons would emphatically seal the deal if you could take the extra damage in the first turn of it.

9 Games - 7 Wins 2 Losses - Difficulty 1/5

I love Ferox. This fight is fun, he has no creature control so you can play Nymphs unquinted. Mitosis + Jade Dragon = flood of dragons it doesn't matter how he can cope with the damage if this happens you can just keep on chucking the combo out and more dragons will replace if they die meaning you're only hoping for pulvy and bursting the damage is not a worry.

Drawing a Pulvy before the last 5 turns is almost essential, smash/steal as many bonds as you can. Generally you will only need the one :entropy nymph so you can go ahead and make a bunch of :darkness to kick up some serious damage either early if he is very low on bonds or 11 or 12 turns left to go if you're needing a strong finish with no pulvy drawn yet (in order to burst out the damage, if the bonds have been previously healing him to full, you don't want your dragons all dying right before you're about to finish) . Before this you should get rid of the smaller fodder if his board is almost full in the hope that you can fill some spots with higher damaging creatures. This fight is quite easy and if you survive the rush - remember no quint needed in your card combo - I can imagine you'l almost always win. I have 5 or 6 very similar pics of this FG :P

Early Pulvy will kick ass:

Mitosis will help make up for late pulvy:

8 Games - 1 Win 7 losses - Difficulty 4/5

Fire Queen is hard. Mirror Shield is needed in mid-late game to stop Fire Lance. Excessive Bonds are a pain, Farenheit can become a problem if it's not flying (flying farenheit will have its 'fiery' removed by liquid shadow) The fireflys have low attack and HP which sucks as you try to build up damage to combat between bonds. Ideally, if you get your combo out very quickly I guess you could lobotomise the EQs with liquid shadow to the point where the bonds are almost obselete as everything is dead except flying Eagles Eyes and EQs (ideal situation) - then mitosis up a bunch of Dark Nymphs with quinted SoR-Mitosis (Be sure to play mitosis before SoR) and go for the kill. This of course isn't the neccesary way to do it, and if there are only a few bonds played you can win in a straightforward manner as I had with the prelim decks.

Shame the Eagles Eye ruined the EM to be honest.

7 Games - 6 Wins 1 Loss - Difficulty 1/5

This fight is very easy, but it doesn't hurt to be careful. Rarely it will be quite safe to play a nymph without quint (i.e. Gemini has no lobotomiser out, you have a pulvy out, and it's early in the game.) The spiders have low HP and it's not nice to have them die as you're losing 7 healing which could be vital on the TU burst, its good just to antimatter them until your HP is safe (chances of decking out are very low so be patient.) There will be times when he doesn't play many creatures, or he will play Phase Dragons or Immortals which will offset your healing a bit, TU will be extra dangerous now, a bunch of momentumed dragons could be a game loss - just be wary, you don't want be losing in one turn once your :entropy nymph has gotten going.

He will get extra restless to TU all at once at some point if everything is antimattered or immortal and he can't play any creatures for whatever reason for a while, it's cool to throw out an unquinted :darkness nymph (don't SoR it) for him to TU a bunch of times, then quint and/or SoR it the next turn. He doesn't have the quanta to use the ability, and they have 5hp and deal a much more safe 5 damage to you (much safer than a potential momentumed 9 out of his hand), and 25 damage over their life under liquid antimatter combo which should also be more than enough extra to help you finish him off nicely. Caution aside, Gemini is easy, have fun with it :P.

5 Games - Wins 3 Losses 2 - Difficulty 3/5

This fight isn't too bad, quite a few things to watch out for. Obviously Graviton has permanent control so play your permanents when needed. Pulvy is only useful for taking out the Titan, which i prefer to steal and use the pulvy as a backup, Mirror Shield is invulnerable but Fog Shield is probably a little better, the amount of momentum around will make it negligible at times though.

The majority of this fight you will spend playing with yoyo-ing damage from Graviton Fire Masters. Chargers are often a welcome solid 7 healing and otys can give you +1 healing in the turns where you dont really need to play with the firemasters (you're effectively not losing any healing by not AMing them early in the long run.) I like to AM the majority of GFMs while letting one (maybe with a second following behind) grow to a reasonable strength (11-15) in wait of the :darkness nymph to lock them up at high healing/damage. Mitosis chargers allows this growth well but be wary that each turn you are AMing a charger the other GFMs are growing (kind of a good thing if you have :darkness nymph, leave the chargers and lock the GFMs at -8 or less attack to get the most out of your damage and healing.)

Liquid Shadow will be able to remove the threat of Otyughs getting hungry, but remember to keep close watch of the cards left in your deck before deciding which should be Liquid Shadowed. The AI will often wait until something is pretty low HP then start to nom (you lose healing dont forget with each target eaten) and then eat relentlessly from then on. Just be aware of the otyughs, and you should get by ok (definately take the time to disable them with LS if you can afford it).

This is just an example of when to LS the oty, the GFMs are getting kinda low - the otyugh can and will go for the chomp at some point so just hold out on the offense to take it out.

A few turns later...

9 Games - 3 Wins 6 Losses - Difficulty 2.5/5

Hecate is a funny one, I feel I had pretty bad luck with it in testing. Sometimes (s)he gets damage out fiercely quick, sometimes it's non-existant for a while. Make sure your nymph is quinted as Hecate can and will use Rage Elixirs and Liquid Shadow on it. Hecate will occasionally use Liquid Shadow just before you want to antimatter the doll, and sometimes when already antimattered- cheeky bonus. 14/8 or 16/9 seems to be the optimal doll, two of these will surely bag the win. 20/3 is a bit too much try to AM before it gets here if you can.  If there is no extra dolls on 0 attack, and whenever possible, leave one 6 for him to Rage Elixir or he will still use it (on a previously antimattered doll) which lowers both healing and health. Can be a horrible fight but sometimes can also be extremely comfortable.

5 Games - 1 Win 4 Losses - Difficulty 4/5

Hermes is kinda rough. Fire Buckler is annoying if he gets it (sometimes he will also use Protect Artifact on it) - he rushes hard, and he has a plethora of PC and CC. Mirror Shield is useful to prevent Fire Lance damage. Lava Destroyers and Heavy Armored things make for good liquid antimatter targets - for example Fire Spectres aren't so great unless HA'd. Ruby Dragons are ideal healing if you can bag one (only two in his deck). More of a balancing act with the growth creatures than anything, if you can get the :darkness nymph out in fairly good time you'l be at a strong advantage.

When I won it was very safe after I used mitosis on Ruby Dragons - maybe 11 or 12 of them, it was beautiful :'(.. I'm a complete idiot and in my excitement I missed out on taking a snap. I'm not all too sure I'll ever get such a nice one as that. If I get a pic from now on in general gameplay I'll be sure to add it but for now I'll just have to show this scrappy one with a prelim deck.

Just killed Hermes again with DPR - another reasonably scrappy one (two people have told me they have EM'd hermes with the deck) with strange tactics that I used to get the win so I guess explaining might help someone at some point. I got :entropy Nymph out as usual, Hermes played Fire Buckler. I stole it and antimattered stuff I wanted so they wouldn't be affected by the buckler (Ruby Dragon, a couple of golems) leaving the rest to die (spirits, brimstones). I drew Mitosis and played it on Ruby Dragon, AMing as they came out. Played :darkness Nymph and LS'd the golems & then the dragons one by one for 15 damage each. He played a protected Fire Shield but by then it was too late for him. If you're ever in trouble with Fire Buckler obviously make sure to combo the Mitosis dragon, you don't want his damage getting out of hand ;)

8 Games - 5 Wins - 3 Losses - Difficulty 2/5

This fight is ruled by Eclipse. Everything you AM before eclipse will give 2 less healing, and everything after it will of course recieve 2 more healing (and a further two if you smash the Eclipse afterwards.) Because Incarnate uses a lot of Vampires, it's probable that you can win without even pulling a :darkness nymph. Vampires will give a tasty 6 healing/damage under eclipse and due to no liquid shadow required, will last until the end of the fight. This fight is kinda easy, the first 5 or 6 turns will decide the outcome generally.
  You might find it in your interests to smash/steal the boneyards (I'm usually too lazy to do this) as this is where the majority of his extra damage will come from (and it is spread out so takes a while to AM) Smashing Eclipse may also give you some respite. Generally, if you have the SoRs I'd advise pushing two :entropy Nymphs up and out and letting a :darkness nymph follow those to be extra safe but one :entropy alone can usually cope. If you have a fair few turns to go but are struggling a bit for damage because he didn't play much in the way of vampires, Mitosis-SoR on your :darkness nymph (quint it) will get you more Liquid Shadow than a single Nymph as Incarnate's CC is kinda slow (Bloodsucker poison) and you can create multiple Nymphs that will last a few turns each while you get your damage from the Bloodsuckers and knock down the Bone Walls. Another good target for Mitosis is of course on a Vampire after Eclipse has hit.

« Last Edit: January 07, 2013, 07:54:02 pm by willng3 »


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Re: (1.27)[FG Deck] Dark Purple Rain - ~40% Non-Normalised Winrate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25226.msg321825#msg321825
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2011, 12:13:20 pm »
Sir, that's a good piece of work. Keep it up!

I faced 3 gods in 4 games as yet...
Akebono - EM
Rainbow - EM
Rainbow - EM
Jezebel - L

I think it's actually not such a bad deck.

Edit: 3 more games
Fire Queen - L
Gemini - L
Destiny - W

BtW... What is the point of Mitosis? I used it once on a lycantrope against rainbow, but that wasn´t even necessary.  ^-^
I have no clue how to use it. I think I replace it with an Epinephrine...

Offline BonestormTopic starter

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Re: (1.27)[FG Deck] Dark Purple Rain - ~40% Non-Normalised Winrate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25226.msg321854#msg321854
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2011, 01:42:37 pm »
You're right in saying that the deck does function without Mitosis.

I've explained in the Deck Guide how it should be used but in testing I have found some other pretty miscellaneous uses for it.

One example would be Vs Paradox when he didn't draw any RoLs, his board was filling up with 2/2 dejavus fast and I was worried of a deckout. Used mitosis on the RoL he finally played and voila - eventually the blessings came to have some joy with, was a nice guarantee of safety.

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Re: (1.27)[FG Deck] Dark Purple Rain - ~40% Non-Normalised Winrate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25226.msg322611#msg322611
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2011, 02:32:26 pm »
Below is what I currently own. That's like... half-upped, but when I up the shrads, it'll be 2/3 upped, roughly?

I can liquidate a few of my other upped cards to turn the shards into usable ones, obviously. But I wouldn't want to sacrifice more than that, because eventually I dream of having 6x everything upped.

Would it be worth upgrading those 3 cards and running with the deck as-is? Or should I hold off and make a few more important upgrades before the deck will become worth using? I already have CCYB, it's just that I'm bored of it...

Code: [Select]
4ta 4ta 4ta 50u 50u 50u 50u 50u 5c9 5ig 5ig 5ig 5ig 5lg 621 621 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 77f 7n0 7t4 7t4 7t4 7t9 80h 80h

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Re: (1.27)[FG Deck] Dark Purple Rain - ~40% Non-Normalised Winrate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25226.msg322616#msg322616
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2011, 02:36:57 pm »
I faced 3 gods in 4 games as yet...
Akebono - EM
Rainbow - EM
Rainbow - EM
Jezebel - L
Fire Queen - L
Gemini - L
Destiny - W
Holy cow! EM rainbow?! I've beat that FG like maybe once, ever... due to a horrible starting hand for him and by the skin of my teeth. Would be amusing to lose to Gemini.


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Re: (1.27)[FG Deck] Dark Purple Rain - ~40% Non-Normalised Winrate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25226.msg322649#msg322649
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2011, 03:14:39 pm »
I've explained in the Deck Guide how it should be used but in testing I have found some other pretty miscellaneous uses for it.
oh, i think missed the deck guide :) i agree that the use of mitosis can be handy, but the chance to get into a situation where mitosis is helpful, is quite rare. so i maintain to my change (-mitosis +epi), since epinephrine can give u a nice dmg-boost (purple nymph + epi = 12 dmg) and on the other hand a healing-boost (AM + epi).

I faced 3 gods in 4 games as yet...
Akebono - EM
Rainbow - EM
Rainbow - EM
Jezebel - L
Fire Queen - L
Gemini - L
Destiny - W
Holy cow! EM rainbow?! I've beat that FG like maybe once, ever... due to a horrible starting hand for him and by the skin of my teeth. Would be amusing to lose to Gemini.
yea i was suprised too :) he had a not-so-good draw in both games, but i think this deck is able to beat him even he got a better draw. gemini rushed me (no quint for my purple nymph), FQ same and no pulvi versus jezebel + cloak.

Would it be worth upgrading those 3 cards and running with the deck as-is?
yea its worth it. the SoR is essential for this deck.

Offline BonestormTopic starter

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Re: (1.27)[FG Deck] Dark Purple Rain - ~40% Non-Normalised Winrate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25226.msg322669#msg322669
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2011, 03:33:50 pm »
Would it be worth upgrading those 3 cards and running with the deck as-is? Or should I hold off and make a few more important upgrades before the deck will become worth using? I already have CCYB, it's just that I'm bored of it...
SoRs are a vital part of the deck.  I wouldn't advise using the deck (or any of these card combo type FG decks like shak'ars and the voodoo lot) without upped :entropy pendulums.

My stats vs. rainbow are two wins one loss (no EMs) atm. I also have wins over Morte (that eluded me with the other deck that was similar to the first I made - a ton of ivory dragons makes poison damage irrelevant  :P) and a dramatic difference in win% vs Ferox (maybe because of the wild amount of dragons that come if you can pull mitosis)

@ splejx That's fair enough, i'm having a lot of fun with Mitosis  :D

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Re: (1.27)[FG Deck] Dark Purple Rain - ~40% Non-Normalised Winrate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25226.msg323090#msg323090
« Reply #7 on: April 30, 2011, 12:20:15 am »
Yeah, I know I need to up the shards, sorry, that wasn't my question. I just didn't know whether I could run the deck thenceforth after those upgrades or would need to, for instance, up the pends as well.

Update: Okay, I have one upped pendulum and it's sometimes annoying when I don't draw 2x of the regular ones or my upped one. However, most of the time I seem to die to "not having all the combo cards available". IE, my whole hand is useless if I don't have the quint to keep a nymph alive, or I have all the setup/buff cards but no Nymph's Tear.

Stealing Miracle's Air pillar and nymphing it made for a fun, no-miracle-for-you, kaboom. But that's 2 victories out of 10 or so games, and those losses are largely from being rushed to death while I desperately try to draw the quint or tear that I need to actually do anything. Sometimes needing a SoR kills me, too, when I could go ahead and create a nymph and quint it but wind up unable to pay 4 quanta/turn for its ability.

Maybe different/better shields, or stalling cards, would improve the deck? There's certainly enough spare time/light quanta for a couple stall cards.

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Re: (1.27)[FG Deck] Dark Purple Rain - ~40% Non-Normalised Winrate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25226.msg323272#msg323272
« Reply #8 on: April 30, 2011, 04:37:47 am »
I've previously thought about sundials and SoGs. It's a tight draw for the combo as it is I'm not sure that any combination of either could be optimal, i'm sure i'll try at some point, they may help the deck. I still have 80 games to go in testing and have real life stuff to do so i'm kinda busy.

2/10 Is just how it will go sometimes, your next 10 could be 6 or 7/10. I'm @ exactly 110 wins from 270 games at the moment between the two decks so there is obviously nothing majorly wrong.

I've also thought about using turtle shield over fog, or maybe in place of the steal.


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Re: (1.27)[FG Deck] Dark Purple Rain - ~40% Non-Normalised Winrate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25226.msg323387#msg323387
« Reply #9 on: April 30, 2011, 11:53:07 am »
Hmmm - does not work 40%+ for me
I love the idea and have been playing around with decks like this.
I just played 15 games with your version and won one  :( . It just takes me too long to get the combo out. The moment I got my ready quinted purple nymph there are so many enemy monsters on the field and my life is so low that I cannot turn the tides anymore...

I'll experiment with adding cards to speed things up a bit so that getting the combo faster is possible

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Re: (1.27)[FG Deck] Dark Purple Rain - ~40% Non-Normalised Winrate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25226.msg323478#msg323478
« Reply #10 on: April 30, 2011, 04:09:26 pm »
Can't really say what could be wrong, just keep trying you'l see it pick up ??? ? Obviously runs of good/bad luck can be an occurence - but one win in 15 is pretty outrageous. I'll be adding a god-by-god breakdown soon.  I've gained atleast 6k score using the three decks in the post for the time testing - with 166 wins worth of cards in 400 games. I've just finished 200 games with DPR - i've added the stats in the original post.

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Re: (1.27)[FG Deck] Dark Purple Rain - ~40% Non-Normalised Winrate https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=25226.msg326792#msg326792
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2011, 04:57:19 pm »
No dice on this deck. It looks decent, and I like the idea (and have fun with it when it works) but I wouldn't recommend people spend money on upgrading cards in order to make this deck.

The OP talks about the 'combo' quite a bit. What isn't evident, until you've played it, is that this is a SIX card combo and until you run that combo you are taking damage. Even once you do manage to run that combo, there's usually several FG creatures out and you are just starting to reduce the damage that you are taking each turn.

Six cards required to play your first creature: 1 pendulum, 2 Supernovas, 1 Nymph's tears, 1 SOR, and 1 quintessence (you see, you can't play the quint until you have 2 Supernovas!) What adds to the amount of time to get this six card combo is that you've only got a limited number of most of these cards.

To be honest, it's never been clear to me why this deck bothers with shields at all. The goal is to get your purple nymph out ASAP, and when that's done, you don't need any shields. Same goes for steal - what is the real purpose of this? The Mitosis has been useless to me, too, in the games I've played. My guess is that the OP sees the quanta generated by Supernovas and wants to put it to good use, but I think it results in cards that don't match the philosophy of the deck.

I'm curious to find out how this deck works in a purer form and will likely try it out once I earn back the money I dumped into this deck.

It's interesting to me that every time someone posts about how they didn't get a 40% win rate from this deck, the OP claims that they had a bad luck run. At what point will the OP start to look inwards and consider that they've simply had a good luck run with this one?

