The Portfolio board is an area reserved -specifically- for portfolio topics from card designers. A portfolio is a topic that lists a minimum of six cards from a specific author, with a defined layout of their cards (ordered in however the author wants it, although it's recommended that their cards are either organized by date created or alphabetized from A to Z).
In either case, the following rules below constitutes what can be considered an official Portfolio topic; portfolios will be moved to the section accordingly once the user has finished all of the following rules.
Card Curators may give suggestions to upkeep a portfolio in its respective thread. This may occur when the portfolio has several broken links / incorrect code / inappropriate sourcing.
Card Curators reserve the right to edit/delete a portfolio where necessary.PORTFOLIO GUIDELINES:
In order for your Portfolio topic to qualify in the portfolio sub-section, there needs to be 4 things that your topic must do:
- Your topic must have a minimum of 6 card ideas (provide the links to those cards in question). The cards don't necessarily have to be part of a Series, but they do need to be created BY you (i.e. - you 'originally'* thought of the idea and posted the topic)
- You've read this topic here and have at least 6 cards within the Poll system (Crucible or above)
- The title of your Portfolio topic MUST follow this guideline: [Name's Portfolio - XX cards]
- The format of your Portfolio topic should be organized in the following manner as below:
About Me
Text and Description about you. Add details of why you're a card designer and or why you're awesome. Introduction paragraphs. Nice body filled with flavor. Other misc. stuff. Blargh. Text and Description about you. Add details of why you're a card designer and or why you're awesome. Introduction paragraphs. Nice body filled with flavor. Other misc. stuff. Blargh. Text and Description about you. Add details of why you're a card designer and or why you're awesome. Introduction paragraphs. Nice body filled with flavor. Other misc. stuff. Blargh. Text and Description about you. Add details of why you're a card designer and or why you're awesome. Introduction paragraphs. Nice body filled with flavor. Other misc. stuff. Blargh. Text and Description about you. Add details of why you're a card designer and or why you're awesome. Introduction paragraphs. Nice body filled with flavor. Other misc. stuff. Blargh.
Minotaur | Minotaur
Acceleration | Overdrive
Schrödinger's Cat | Schrödinger's Cat
Once your topic has been accepted, it is up to -you- as the designer to update your portfolio as necessary whenever you post a new card idea. Other specific guidelines (organization, added aesthetic, etc.) are optional, but you must/should be able to provide the bare minimum requirements listed above for other members to view properly. You may post on this topic with a link to your Portfolio when it is ready to be moved (and when that occurs, the post here will be removed to make the sticky clean). Note that this is one of the requirements for getting access to the Idea Factory, and that your Portfolios will also be (hopefully) linked to the Card Idea Database coming much later.
![Smiley :)](
Please post any other concerns or questions in here as well, and I'll add clarification as needed. Thanks.
[center][u][b][size=12pt]About Me[/size][/b][/u][/center]
Text and Description about you. Add details of why you're a card designer and or why you're awesome. Introduction paragraphs. Nice body filled with flavor. Other misc. stuff. Blargh.
[b][size=18pt]INSERTNAMEHERE | INSERTNAMEHERE[/size][/b]