Welcome to the Boards ScytherLoL, giving you some +karma for the nice ideas and good artwork!
I'd be right in saying that the upper-carp upgrades into the lower-card?
@Kael Hate,
Again, welcome
. Been a little bit inactive this week and it is good to see new players taking an active roll on the forums and in the community.
I definitely agree that the Scion of Light and Lady Light should have decreased Offense. I think Kael Hates' estimates of 2/6 are about spot on. And if this change suits you, also lower their casting cost.
I do however, disagree that the Dwarven Paladin and Templar cards are not needed because Light has Pegasus. Correct me if I am wrong, but Dive costs 2 Air, meaning that in a mono-Light deck you would need to have your mark as Air to fuel this ability, and the cost of 2 for doubling the Pegasus attack of 3 into 6 is - in mine and others' opinions - far too costly.
The Paladin and Templar, could effectively replace the Pegasus - it is rarely used in decks that I come across, the exception being Parallel Universe exploitation, which doesn't even occur outside of the Trainer.
All in all, I like the cards equally, a little less hit-points on the first idea and maybe clarification on the 'until end of turn' issue with the Paladin/Templar!
Good work!