This card wouldn't exactly be the most popular card out there, as it'll only be used in certain situations where you know your opponent's deck.
It might be viable if it absorbed 2|3 random quanta and 1 as a base, then + 2 for every 10 quanta. Right now it's way too specific though.
Agreed. Though i don't like saying this, it's too situational
Just like Purify.
Thank you for your feedback, and as patch already said, it does absorb 4 | 5
even if you have no water quanta at hand (played many games to see, how fluidly can a fire based deck gain it's quanta, those are not random numbers). And for the random quanta absorption: we already have Black Hole for that, and in a way, that card is situational too. I'm open for suggestions, though, as I wanted to make it somehow a little more universal, so first idea was an any pillar sacrifice (that's why the brackets are there), but still thinking about a secondary effect..
Just a note: I did not make this idea, to rant about the OPness of the element Fire, or the cards immolation/cremation, nor I had any 'bad game experience', those are fine as they are; but we have to agree that fire is faster/stronger than any other element out there (and even more well-rounded), and it's fragileness is not that of a drawback most of the time; and today's two of the most powerful deck compositions (both rush and stall) comes from this element, and more often than not, you have to specifically prepare for it to best it. And if you think about it, the absorbtion of 4-5/10 (see the table) is not that of a terrible drawback as it looks for first, keeping in mind how fast Fire can gain it's quanta, and fast paced their games can be.
This card mostly serves you only for buying a little time, for the cost of your
own quanta generation.