If you would like to Sign Up for this Event, the first thing to do is read the RULES (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,16592.0.html) very carefully.
Then post your Forum Name, Chat Name, IGN, and the Mark you will start with.
This alignment may choose from the following marks:
Also, no editing posts please, if you
really feel the need to change marks, just repost.
Up to 16 Players may Sign Up for this Alignment. If this Alignment is full, you may Sign Up as a reserve player or for the opposing alignment found HERE (
Note that this event is starting at the same time as War, so please make sure you have the time to participate in this event before signing up.
1. willng3
2. The Mormegil
3. xdude
4. 1world24
5. bucky1andonly
6. ddevans96
8. jippy99
9. nilsieboy
10. Indrejue
11. scauduro221095
12. johannhowitzer
13. Noobiecakes
14. Kakerlake
15. AnoverX
16. Legit
Reserve- Bhlewos