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Telekinesis | Psychokinesis (Semi-Permalink)
« on: February 18, 2011, 12:04:49 pm »
2 :aether
Move target creature to target empty creature slot on the same side of the field.
1 :aether
Move target creature to target empty creature slot on the same side of the field.
Stock image by Didi90 (http://www.sxc.hu/photo/852345), image manipulated by Ajit
A weird niche card that's right up Aether's alley. Being able to micromanage creatures is fun.

Need a large creature to go past Bone Wall? Move it to a later slot. Want to EM with an Antimattered creature? Move it back.

Also combos with Flooding. (Note that Shockwave + Freeze effects is allowable insta-kill because it's a two-card combo, and only Freeze is available on a stick. This is also true for Telekinesis + Flooding -- you can only have 6 copies of Telekinesis.)

- Removed "draw a card" effect, reduced cost to 2 :aether | 1 :aether
- Cleared up ambiguous wording

- Added new card art made by Ajit :D
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Re: Telekinesis | Psychokinesis (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2011, 12:39:27 pm »
Does it move the creature to (a) the next empty slot, (b) a random empty slot or (c) a slot selected by the player (via the mean of the red target tool) ?

Offline pikachufan2164Topic starter

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Re: Telekinesis | Psychokinesis (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2011, 12:50:40 pm »
Does it move the creature to (a) the next empty slot, (b) a random empty slot or (c) a slot selected by the player (via the mean of the red target tool) ?
It gets moved to a targeted empty slot.
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Re: Telekinesis | Psychokinesis (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2011, 12:56:42 pm »
Creative, creative.
Maybe lower cost by one :aether on each?
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Re: Telekinesis | Psychokinesis (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2011, 12:58:56 pm »
Option (c), then. That is the more effective one. I would get rid of the draw a card thing (belongs to much to time) and lower the cost to 1 :aether | 1  :rainbow .

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Re: Telekinesis | Psychokinesis (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2011, 01:02:53 pm »
I agree with SnoWeb. Very interesting card. I just think it will be more useful in the future when(if) there are more cards that affect the field.
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Re: Telekinesis | Psychokinesis (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2011, 01:05:31 pm »
I might make a "field effect" series.  Maybe.

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Re: Telekinesis | Psychokinesis (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2011, 02:20:41 pm »
Does it move the creature to (a) the next empty slot, (b) a random empty slot or (c) a slot selected by the player (via the mean of the red target tool) ?
It gets moved to a targeted empty slot.
Is that double targetting? :o

Also, I like the way it buffs Flooding :D
Draw a card could be changed to damaging the target creature, even though aether has enough CC for a while with thunderbolt.

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Re: Telekinesis | Psychokinesis (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #8 on: February 18, 2011, 03:25:34 pm »
Really liking the card, not really liking the card art. The hands are too... human.

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Offline pikachufan2164Topic starter

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Re: Telekinesis | Psychokinesis (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #9 on: February 18, 2011, 06:10:18 pm »
Updated the OP with a clearer card effect description, and balance changes. Maybe Crucible-ready?

Creative, creative.
Maybe lower cost by one :aether on each?
Option (c), then. That is the more effective one. I would get rid of the draw a card thing (belongs to much to time) and lower the cost to 1 :aether | 1  :rainbow .
I decided to do a bit of both -- lowered costs by 1 for each, but removed "draw a card." As SnoWeb said, drawing cards is a mechanic for Time, and changing the upped version to generic quanta doesn't really thematically fit with Aether's exclusive control over the mind (see Mind Flayer, Lobotomizer, and Mindgate).

I agree with SnoWeb. Very interesting card. I just think it will be more useful in the future when(if) there are more cards that affect the field.
Right now, I see three cards interacting with this one: Antimatter, Bone Wall, and Flooding. The beauty of this is that it can be utilized both when you're using one of those and when you're facing it. :)

Though, yes, field control would be a nifty mechanic to consider in the future.

Is that double targetting? :o

Also, I like the way it buffs Flooding :D
Draw a card could be changed to damaging the target creature, even though aether has enough CC for a while with thunderbolt.
Oh yes it is >:D

Yep, it goes nicely with Flooding, without putting both cards in OP territory.

Really liking the card, not really liking the card art. The hands are too... human.
They sort of break the fantasy aspect of Elements, don't they? D:

The art can be fixed later, though -- maybe one of the awesome artists in the community will be kind enough to make an illustration for it if it ever reaches the Forge ^_^
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Re: Telekinesis | Psychokinesis (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #10 on: February 19, 2011, 11:37:39 pm »
Please fix the COST section on your table.
3 :aether should be 2 :aether (in the first column)
2 :aether should be 1 :aether (in the second column)
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Offline pikachufan2164Topic starter

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Re: Telekinesis | Psychokinesis (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #11 on: February 20, 2011, 12:34:58 am »
Please fix the COST section on your table.
3 :aether should be 2 :aether (in the first column)
2 :aether should be 1 :aether (in the second column)
Done; thanks for reminding me :3

(Forgot to change those earlier D:)
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