This idea just makes me laugh (that's a good thing

when I see how many cards make it into the game I don't think every idea should be deadly serious. Having said that, the name etc may be a bit funny, but I do try to think of sensible mechanics, since those are the bits I see Zanz taking for new ideas (and not the name, art etc).
Anyway, to the costing part....
In general, I agree with it needing to cost more, if looked at using the methods and tables provided by OldTreees. I guess I found it really hard to make it cost more than Scarab though since I don't think this creature is more powerful than Scarab...:s
Arguably it could be attack 2 + swarm 1 + bypass 1 = 4...although bypass is perhaps not strong enough to be worth 1 I think.
Looking at shields in game where it would even help (not that 1 or 2 extra damage is even that much remember....)
Jumping Fish with shields:
Dissipitation Shield:N (absorbs 3 damage, bypass 1, still blocks 2 damage...?)
Dissipitation Field: N
Skull Shield:Y
Skull Buckler:Y
Bone Wall: Y/N (I'm unsure if fish could jump this - opinion welcome!)
Bone Wall: Y/N
Gravity Shield:N
Gravity Shield:N
Titanium Shield: Y (only 1 attack though)
Diamond Shield: N
Thorn Carapace:N
Spine Carapace:Y
Emerald Shield:Y
Jade Shield:Y (only 1 attack though)
Fire Shield:N
Fire Buckler:N
Ice Shield: Y
Permafrost Shield:Y (only 1 attack though)
Fog Shield: N
Fog Shield: N
Wings: N
Procrastination: N
Turtle Shield: N
Dusk Mantle: N
Improved Dusk: N
Dimensional Shield: N
Phase Shield: N
verdict: bonus against 8(maybe 10) out of 28 shields ~30% of shields (of which 3 also reduce attack...)
Flying Fish with shields:
Dissipitation Shield:Y (only 1 attack though) (I'm unsure if fish could jump this - opinion welcome!)
Dissipitation Field: Y (only 1 attack though)
Skull Shield:Y
Skull Buckler:Y
Bone Wall: Y/N (I'm unsure if fish could jump this - opinion welcome!)
Bone Wall: Y/N
Gravity Shield:N
Gravity Shield:N
Titanium Shield: Y (only 2 attack though)
Diamond Shield: Y (only 1 attack though)
Thorn Carapace:N
Spine Carapace:Y
Emerald Shield:Y
Jade Shield:Y
Fire Shield:N
Fire Buckler:N
Ice Shield: Y
Permafrost Shield:Y
Fog Shield: N
Fog Shield: N
Wings: N
Procrastination: N
Turtle Shield: N
Dusk Mantle: N
Improved Dusk: N
Dimensional Shield: N
Phase Shield: N
verdict: bonus against 11 (maybe 13) of 28 shields ~40% of shields (of which 4 also reduce attack....)
One thing I'd add is to say look at what type of shields the (small) bonus is good for, not nec the 'best' or preferred shields in the game...
Thanks for feedback from everyone

In conclusion, perhaps 2


or max 3


is something I could live with...although I'd love to keep the cost the same as Scarab :s