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Apply for a job: 12 Masters of Elements (Semi-Permalink)
« on: January 12, 2010, 02:47:38 pm »
I need 12 motivated individuals, one for each element, who want to help out the community.

Requirements and job description:
- You have been playing for a while
- You will become a Master of one element
- You will learn everything about this one element
- You know all the cards in your element, and you know how to use them
- You want to promote your element by building invincible mono-decks, etc.
- You will keep the "Cards" section of your element updated (you will be made a moderator in that forum section)
      - you make sure all the pictures are up-to-date
      - you moderate comments if needed
- You understand that this is a job (not a reward) and are prepared to do that job

You will get:
- Cool custom title (for example "Master of Death")
- Ridiculous amounts of respect from the community

Send an application
Please PM me a short application telling me why you would be good for this job. Your application should include:

1. What element you would want to be a "Master" in (and maybe a second choice in case your element is already taken)
2. Why you chose this element
3. Why you would make a good "Master"

P.s. people who helped me to build that "Cards" section are naturally on top of the list

P.s.s. I will wait for a couple of days so that everyone has a chance to send in applications. After that I will start choosing the "Masters". Good luck.


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Re: Apply for a job: 12 Masters of Elements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2010, 11:00:57 pm »
So, wait, what? Masters of that element? What exactly is this "job" entailing?


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Re: Apply for a job: 12 Masters of Elements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2010, 11:06:51 pm »
So, wait, what? Masters of that element? What exactly is this "job" entailing?
Look under "Requirements and job description" (I ninja edited the last part).


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Re: Apply for a job: 12 Masters of Elements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2010, 02:10:41 am »
Ah, musta looked at it before the edit. *was looking at other pages as well*

Well, I may know almost every aspect of the game aside from all the level 5 names and the coding itself, but count me out. (not like it matters)

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Re: Apply for a job: 12 Masters of Elements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2010, 03:47:15 am »
I would like to apply to be Master of Life. 

Life is the element of speed, survival, and simplicity.  There's not a lot of tricky shenanigans to be toyed with, but tricky shenanigans take time -- time that a solid mono-Life deck just won't give you.  That's my style.

Life is also one of the only two kinds of Quanta that rainbow decks always run out of.  'Nuff said.

If something happens and you think it deserves my attention, feel free to PM me. Other than that, I'm probably here if you want to shoot the breeze.

Offline Bloodshadow

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Re: Apply for a job: 12 Masters of Elements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #5 on: January 13, 2010, 06:04:49 am »
Well... I'm already moderating the Wiki, but...

I could be the Master of Darkness. Darkness is my element, and it is the most well-balanced element of all, capable of almost everything.

I don't have to update the cards daily, do I? I would like to do the section for Darkness, but I think I'll only have time on the weekends. Hope that's OK, since there isn't any Darkness cards on the forum yet.
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.


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Re: Apply for a job: 12 Masters of Elements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #6 on: January 13, 2010, 01:24:47 pm »
Isn't there written you have to send her a pm.
I also want to become the Master of Life. I've already sent a pm to you. Maybe you read it already or you overseen it because of a very full pm box...


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Re: Apply for a job: 12 Masters of Elements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2010, 03:32:28 pm »
It seems like a lot of people who already have a "job" want to become a Master of an element. It's a good thing that people are active and want to help with different things but now we have a

I disabled custom titles on this forum for now as I'm trying to make it so that we can have multiple titles. If a person was both a Chat Moderator and a Master of Death, those titles would be on top of each other in post view.

I'm not 100% sure if there is an easy way to do this but I'll try.

I don't have to update the cards daily, do I? I would like to do the section for Darkness, but I think I'll only have time on the weekends. Hope that's OK, since there isn't any Darkness cards on the forum yet.
You don't have to update the cards daily, only when the cards change or new ones get introduced. The idea is to keep the cards up-to-date. It's an easy job.

More important part of the job is to be a "representative" of the element you are a Master in. This means you have to find ways to show how your element is better than the rest. Kind of like compete with other elements.

I didn't mention this earlier but Masters will also be made moderators on mono-decks section, where they will maintain a sticky thread of top-5 mono decks of their element.

Isn't there written you have to send her a pm.
I also want to become the Master of Life. I've already sent a pm to you. Maybe you read it already or you overseen it because of a very full pm box...
I've already received a bunch of applications but I haven't had time to reply to each individual applicant. I will wait for a couple of days more and then we'll see who gets what title.

So to everyone.. if you have sent an application, I have received it.

Offline Bloodshadow

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Re: Apply for a job: 12 Masters of Elements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #8 on: January 14, 2010, 01:26:46 am »
So are there going to be competitions among the Elemental Masters? Like, which element will make the best mono decks? Then this is obviously not a good idea, since Dark, Fire, Aether are the best mono decks while Water, Light, etc are terrible mono decks.

I'm a bit unsure about becoming the Master of Darkness now... Do I have to devote a lot of my time trying to promote my element?

And, even if I'm not the Master of Darkness yet, or I will not be the Master of Darkness, can I post the Darkness cards anyways?
To be or not to be, I can do both at once. Go learn quantum mechanics, n00b.


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Re: Apply for a job: 12 Masters of Elements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #9 on: January 14, 2010, 09:20:23 am »
So are there going to be competitions among the Elemental Masters? Like, which element will make the best mono decks? Then this is obviously not a good idea, since Dark, Fire, Aether are the best mono decks while Water, Light, etc are terrible mono decks.
Sure we may have some competitions but that's not really the main point of this whole idea. And I don't think element vs. element tournaments should not be held because everyone thinks some element is totally overpowered compared to others. All 12 elements can be used to build effective decks.

I'm a bit unsure about becoming the Master of Darkness now... Do I have to devote a lot of my time trying to promote my element?
Well, it's difficult to say but it's not a full-time job. It's basically just regular posting, but with an emphasis on your element.

And, even if I'm not the Master of Darkness yet, or I will not be the Master of Darkness, can I post the Darkness cards anyways?
Only Masters post new card threads and keep the old card threads organized. That's an easy job and doesn't require multiple people to do it. If you are asking whether you can post Darkness card ideas, then yes of course you can.


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Re: Apply for a job: 12 Masters of Elements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #10 on: January 14, 2010, 02:37:44 pm »
When are you going to tell us who are the masters? Sorry for my impatience  ;)


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Re: Apply for a job: 12 Masters of Elements (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2010, 02:52:42 pm »
When are you going to tell us who are the masters? Sorry for my impatience  ;)
I'm going to wait at least 2 more days so that everyone who is interested has a chance to apply.

But I've been thinking.. the title of a "Master" should be earned, right? How can I give that title to someone who might be the worst player in the game but is the best in the world in writing job applications?

I'm seriously considering having some kind of challenge/competition to determine who gets the title but maybe it's too much work for a such a insignificant thing.

One option would be to appoint a Master for say 3 months at a time. After this time any member can challenge the Master and try to take his/her title. If they fail, the users gets to be the Master for 3 more months, etc.

Of course this challenge wouldn't just be a simple PvP battle. It should involve other things as well.

Post your thoughts.

