Deck Helper comment: This deck was posted before the 1.32 game update and as a result may work very differently now. Use at your own risk.
ok, finally i found the variation of this deck that works great for me.
I present Dangerous Play:Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u7 6u7 714 71c 74b 74b 77f 77f 7aj 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 7ba 7gp 7gp 7k2 7ng 7q5 7q5 7q5 80h 80h 80h 80i 8ps
stats will come soon, [ if some one can help me get stats il apreciate it ]
you can swap out the miracle for something else, you can change 1 AM for anything too, but i wouldn't recommend that, it's not that slow as it looks, very effective,
hmm, you can't play with out the nymph , it's one of your main source of damage, :\
gods break down :
incarnate: ok, this time the strategy is bit different , you don't go all Fractal + Condor, you just survive untill you get the nymph , try to clog him fast as possible, if you wont it might be deadly if he will spam to much Vampires, but other then that it's easy win if you ask me.
Gemini : ahh gemini, not many people see him in the easy section :], you don't need to bother about anything, if you get otyugh fast it's preety obvious win, try to clog him fast too.. TU might be deadly if he has good position but till he will get to that you won already
Neptune: same play, otyugh out fast, get nymph out fast, fractal condors, and boom him to the ground, lost only once because of draw failness,
Destiny: destiny is annoying yes, but hard? nope. when destiny gets strong creature out and starts to buff it, don't worry, that only helps us,
wait untill the creature has 10 attack + and then AM it, game is simple, but... know that you can't outdeck him, and use Thorn more often, he has many many creatures which will drive you nuts.
Paradox : hm... paradox, ok, as you know paradox doesn't have CC, so you can get your creatures out fast, BUT the second you get your quint use it, you really don't want to see paradox TUing your nymph or otyugh and using blesses on them <_< , as you know he has Reflecting shield, CURSE YOU PARADOX!, get nymph out still, and make only 1 UG, keep your fractal and condor, you know what to do after that, and try not to let him use miracle,
Chaos Lord - the game is simple, play otyugh quint it, start eating, as soon as you get enough quanta and your air nymph [ you don't have to upp it, but the automulligan sucks] start making unstable gas and wait that you'l have fractal and condor in your hand [ do i even need to say that you must use afloxtin as soon as possible?] be carefull about explosions, CL is bit tricky
Decay : yes yes, decay is medium, but he's still kinda easy but if he has good draw it's really bad,
ok, hourglasses out first, then weapons and shields, let him steal that because you really don't want your shields or pulvy get stolen,
otyugh out fast, hope he will play pest before eclipse so you can eat it, if you can chose between Permafrost shield or Thorn choose thorn,
very effective against decay, kill his pests as soon as possible, yes.. drain life is really annoying, you must have atleast 2~3 SoG's out otherwise he can kill you in that way, get your nymph fast , make some UG, if he steals them it's ok , fractal + Condor yesh?
Divine Glory: wtf? DG? but this deck is based on CC no? that's true, but if you get your thorn out fast and will let DG use explosions on hourglasses, you can win preety easy if your draw is ok, no quint is needed, NYMPH out ASAP, when you get nymph start making UG, keep your afloxting, it will be still handy, when you get your condor and you are sure youl get fractal soon, use afloxtin on your otyugh and let the cells spread, when you get fractal, use it and play many condors as possible, you must get 1 turn kill, get like 8 UG, and then explode them, im sure that even with 6 condors youl hit him enough with all of that because you already damaged him before.
Elidnis: elidnis is challenging , quinted spectras can piss you off, that's why you need your thorn , use afloxtin ASAP, if you get early pulvy on and elidnis has 1~2 water towers, destroy them, don't let him grow, thorn helps alot against his dragons and spectras ,strategy is like with paradox but different if you didn't use afloxtin yet and you made UG ,use it, you can't wait that he will have jade shield out, when he gets filled with cells UG + fractal condor, that's all with him.
Osiris : he's preety challenging as well, try to get Permafrost shield fast so that his pharoahs will freeze , use afloxtin on scarab only if he wont get more in the next turn, use pulvy on catapults, you really don't want him to use it on you believe me, fighting him is different too,if he gets too much scarabs don't use otyugh, only nymph .. no condors fractal, that wont help you if he has to much scarabs, nymph is your only way out on him in that kind of situation ,
Morte : ok, like incarnate, don't use fractal and condors, too much bone walls ... , if your in a bad situation and can't hold your AM for dragon, use it on the angel , wont hurt too much, one thing, try to kill him in one time with UG, he has miracles you know

, almost like incarnate...
Miracle: i really don't like this god, Reflecting shields + rush + miracles , not fun, but still, if you use afloxtin and AM fast, it wont be to much of a problem, no quints are needed ,atleast somthing good comes from this god huh, get everything fast, try to eat many of his creatures as you can, when youl have 1 UG fractal and condor, just use it, start hitting this bitch , don't mind about his miracles with all of the condors you can smash him
Fire Queen : what? hard? what the..., yup Fire queen is hard .. if he gets 2 queen and you don't even have afloxtin or otyugh or a shield your dead, strategy like always, get the otyugh ASAP or you will be in very hard situation , play like always.
Ferox : yeah... rush .. , get your creatures out ASAP, pulvy is needed to for his feral bonds, if you don't got AM , shield, otyugh, afloxtin, out fast he will rush you so hard that it will be epic loss, don't use quins, they aren't needed, condor + fractal like always
Eternal phoenix : yeah.. this god is really annoying, if you use afloxtin on the phoenix , no cell will come, only 2 ways to get cells, get your otyugh to 8 hp and use afloxtin on ash and then eat it, the second way is to use it on ruby dragons, with out a shield it will be very hard to counter him, use hourglasses first so he will use explosion on it first, pulvy is really not needed, but extra damage cant hurt, 1 ug + fractal + condors can be awesome even if he has many phoenix out
Octane: what goes about UG fight, we could of owned him if this was UG war, but EE aren't nice... , afloxtin won't do much more then poison, afloxtin will help on if you get pulvy out and destroy his UG's other then that, you have to kill him with UG as well, try to eat his EE's ASAP, extra damage against you won't be preety he will spam UG.
Obliterator: this deck goes alot for it's peramants, if he get pulvy and PA on it, i really don't think you'l be able to win , but if you get pulvy out first and otyugh, you can win preety easy, eat his Shriekers ASAP, use afloxtin on it before eating, like always nymph + cells + fractal condor + otyugh = win, and you must take him out in 1 ~3 hits, he has stone skin
Seism : this god isn't your best friend , Quick sand is really annoying, because you are dependent on your towers, if you wont have enough quanta you are dead, strategy is bit like Oblitertaor, eat his shriekers ASAP, kill every thing, afloxtin shrieker and then eat it , Thorn can really help here if shrieker go all burrow :p , try to kill him fast too, stone skin =/= awesome.
Dark Matter - ok , this god is hard, but he's still beatable with the right hand, same play, just beware of the Black holes, so don't start using like an idiot with your gases.tactic like always
Scorpio: poison, more poison, and poison, strategy like always, thorn helps alot against Puffer fish and Chyra blalal their name isn't important

, Otyugh out fast, use AM against Crawlers , for people that don't like Miracle they can swap it for purify or anything else, strategy like always.
very hard :
Rainbow: never really won against him, but strategy is to afloxtin one of his shriekers or other creatres, eat everything fast , try to seduce him with hourglasses, our paremants are important, i guees strategy like always
Hermes : Big BIg big damage, no thorn no otyugh = no win, if you won't kill his destroyers fast your doomed , hourglasses first against Explosions, strategy like always.
Graviton : yeah... with out afloxtin you can't eat anything and untill you get nymph out he will smash us, hourglasses first against PC controll...
Dream Catcher, only if you get afloxtin + thorn + otyugh it's possible to kill him , WAY WAY WAY to much PC control , smashes you so hard that it's even not funny, guees that you need to go all rush on him, it's almost impossible