This is VERY similar to my Temple series (,16622.0.html) (in the Crucible at the moment). Although, there is a big difference: the card is faster (not having a cost) and consumes random quanta. Which is worse in my opinion, for the following reasons.
1) The new cards are supposed to be different but not strictly better than the old ones. This is almost stricktly better than a Pendulum, as I wouldn't see ANYONE play a Pendulum over this card for duo decks, and as you pointed out almost everyone will play this for trio or even quad decks. This is because I can use this card to get EXACTLY the quanta I want starting from a common "pool" of on-element quanta.
2) This is broken in combination with Immolation and Novas, that potentially allow you to convert (eventually) all the quanta generated to a same element.
3) This is even more broken with Quantum Towers, as you can go mono with triple the amount of quanta you would normally have thanks to this card.
Conclusion: if you don't reduce the ability at once per turn, you have a VERY broken card.
Now let's see what happens if you reduce it to once per turn.
1) You could go mono, and still use this to convert off-element quanta to your main quanta, gaining a lot of speed although not as much. This is bad because it enhances mono rushes and rushes needn't be enhanced...
2) You could go duo, and this turns out to be a VERY unreliable quanta source: it has a 50-50 chance of working, making it utterly worthless.
3) You could go trio, and this turns out to be... even worse. Let's say you have a mark of

. You want to play



, so decide to use this card. You then will have a good deal of Time quanta (that this produces every turn) and almost NO


quanta (at the START of the process). Imagine to play these alone with no off-element towers for now: you need 2

to cast Silence: you'll need about 4-5 Factories out to do this, as each has about 50% chance of not working (apart from the first). Now, imagine you play with towers already, and thus have all 3 elements. Or even, imagine to activate your Dark Factories after you activated your

ones, so that you have some

leftovers. You will have a 33% chance of the ability not working, a 33% chance of the ability working correctly... and a 33% chance of stripping you of your already limited supply of

quanta. So, even worse than duo on most cases.
Conclusion: the more you increase the number of elements, the WORSE this card becomes, actually being the most useful for MONOS and increasing the speed of monos considerably.
I don't suppose this works as intended...