Weapon Cost:
Attack : +0 (Dagger)
Ability Threat: +6 (FFQ Comparison)
Bonuses: -1 (Expensive Skill)
Final Cost : 5

Upped(assuming the creatures spawned are unupped):
Attack: +0 (Dirk is superior to it)
Ability Threat: +6 (FFQ Comparison, is a bit more chancy, but balances with you possibly getting better cards)
Bonuses: -2 (Upgraded, Expensive)
Final Cost: 4

Change the cost to 5

| 4

If people consider the card OP, here are some nerfs you could do:
Raise the casting cost to 6

| 5

Raise the ability cost to 4

Oh, and nice art!
EDIT: Gl1tch, while it's true it's a powerful effect, keep in mind it's a weapon. Weapons do powerful stuff.