icon from the COST section of the table. Please do not use that icon at all, because the cards themselves -do not- have that image (the

is specifically for the forums only, not for in-game cards)
I voted for a slight increase. Personally, I feel that upgrading (or downgrading) certain creatures and permanents can be a major benefit depending on what you up/downgrade, especially those with dramatic damage-cost ratios between their forms (Steam Machine, for example, can lose 9 HP at the cost of 3 random quanta by downgrading it). Also, for cards that change over time (Lava Golem, Forest Spirit, etc.), this would probably be one of the most dynamic forms of CC out there depending on the creature you hit this with, as you said that their stats will not carry over when changed (meaning that a fully grown Lava Destroyer could be 5|1 immediately). Since the card can virtually be used in any deck, it's accessibility should also be a concern to the cost.
I'd say 5->4 would be a much more appropriate cost.