Deckbuilding 101: Life (,1190.0.html#post_life)

Import code:
5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bu 5bu 5bu 5bu 5bu 5bu 5c0 5c0 5c0 5c0 5c0 5c0 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7
Cost of the deck, if you have none of the cards and the wrong mark: 838 EC
Cost for me, who had 4 adrenaline already: 606 EC

| Wins: 67 Losses: 1 Score gain: 1064 EC gain: 1143 Cards won: 24 (what those were is left as an exercise for the reader)
before | after |
|  |
36 card

37 card

38 card

38 card

38 card

40 card

40 card

40 card

40 card

44 card

45 card

58 card

I did one 30 minute session and one 60 minute session. Total should be 90 ±1 minutes. I did 20 minutes worth of practice runs first as well, as I had only done a few games in the trainer before.
The one loss was the very first game, against a ridiculously lucky 40 card

deck. Its first two creatures where fate eggs, which turned into a crimson dragon and a stone dragon, respectively. Dead by turn 6.

There were a couple of close calls as well. First was the 38 card



deck, with a turn 4 fire shield. Managed to win by adrenalining my last remaining cockatrice, even though that's usually a bad move when facing fire shield or infection.

The other one was against Emerald Nova (58 card

/ rainbow), where it got a much better start than me. A 12/12 forest spirit by turn 8, meaning its one blessing and water quanta to grow 4 of the 6 turns, with a dragon to go along. Finished the game with 2 hp.

Keeping in mind that I'm generally slow, someone else could most likely get another 5-10 games in. I also took an SS just after the coin flip, to get deck size and mark of the opponent, which took maybe a second extra in the games where I went first.
I have all the opening hands still saved. I was considering putting them together and uploading them, but it's just too much work. There were all kinds of hands though, from 6 pillar to 1 etc.
As can be seen from the list of opponents, I mostly got the annoying ones (time, water) and the ones that really kill this deck (infections, fire shields). I mostly avoided the discords, though I had a few more in the practice run. It handled everything exceptionally well still.
[edit] Added import code. [/edit]