Revive the ArchiveBecause ideas deserve a second chance.Objective: Redesign a card idea in the Archive, and improve its overall quality from before to get another chance at the polls!
- You must use one of your old card ideas that may be found in the Crucible Archive or Forge Archive. If you do not have any cards in the archive, you may use someone else's card idea in the archive, granted after they give you permission to do so.
- If you use someone else's card idea in the archive, you MUST credit them as being the original card author
- During the redesign process, you must keep the following in mind:
- SAVE the original cards - in other words, do not modify your original post; keep your old cards, as they will be required for a side-by-side comparison of the transformation/redesign process one has done to the cards
- There needs to be a significant change for it to be considered; by 'significant', ONE or more of the following should be improved upon (from most to least important): (card mechanic/ability, the cost/stats, element/card type)
- Artwork should also be changed if it's copyrighted and or from a questionable site.
- Try to make sure that there is some resemblance to the original card. If everything is completely different, then the card may be considered a completely new idea rather than a off-shoot/re-development of the original.
IMPORTANT: When you're done re-designing the cards-
-Post the REDESIGNED card in the Card Idea Competition Sub-Board here (,232.0.html)
-Submit a link to the REDESIGNED card in this thread (,17872.0.html).
Make sure you provide a link back to the original idea! You may only
There will be Tier-competition, meaning that the top 3 winners with the highest votes will all get awards:
1st place: | Specialized Icon (  ), Automatic submission back into the Crucible, Displayed as part of the 'Resubmission-Sticky' FAQ/(or 'Good Design' workshop) |
2nd place: | Automatic submission back into the Crucible, Displayed as part of the 'Resubmission-Sticky' FAQ/(or 'Good Design' workshop) |
3rd place: | Automatic submission back into the Crucible |
Good luck to all those who are participating! Feel free to ask questions in this thread.
Now in Voting phase!