Hi, sry I haven't been much active lately- I had some RL issues and I actually needed some break from elements
First of all, I have to say great job everyone for creating those great decks for last 2 rounds, and grats ICB for winning that match and keeping us alive . It is so funny to see death team out of war, since they were 2nd just 2 rounds ago
, - it just shows how unpredictable and fun this war really is.
I think Evaria's suggestion is great, since there are no rules in war
.I think it will give us much more chance to survive couple more rounds then we would with 65 cards. We have great tactical advantage with 59 cards and we should abuse that, everyone else would do the same if they were us. Of course we first need to win actually, in order to do that
Oh yes, and I would salvage death pendulums and bone walls - but it depends also on ICB's opponent.