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Way to stick through the desynchs, Mastermind, and gg. He ran a standard Death/Darkness duo.
Game 1: I tried to get the combo going, but his Death/Darkness duo wasn't ideal to fight against with this deck. His Devourers om nom nom'd my needed quanta. At one point I had the choice between playing a DS or waiting for a Fractal, and I chose to wait for the Fractal to hide the fact that I had DS's, and you'll see why that helped later. His win.
Game 2: I locked him down relatively quickly, and got lucky at some points. My win.
Game 3-1: Perfect hand. Desynch.
Game 3-2: Horrible hand. Desynch.
Game 3-3: Okay hand. Desynch.
Game 3-4: Pretty good hand. Desynch.
Game 3-5: Above average hand, but I got lucky with an early Darkness Pillar. He got out four quick Devourers, but I managed to prevent him from playing all but two Dragons. After Fractal'ing my Pests and Vampires, I decided to play a Nightfall, since it would benefit me more than him. When it seemed like all was lost, I pulled a DS at the last second. Because I played it, he could not play any more creatures to finish me off, even if he did Steal it. I pulled the win.
Great games Mastermind.