Well, looks like we're not meant to die quite yet.

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Most people try to make decks that can only lose against one hard counter. We make decks that can only win against one deck. Thankfully Death was so obliging to play that deck—a deck without any Poisons.
First GameI had a lucky opening hand, getting 2 out of 3 upgraded cards. An early Hourglass helped to smooth out any bad draws and quickened me getting my one Scarab. I happened to misclick this game playing a Phase Shield instead of a Fractal after I played my
one Scarab! Fortunately, he didn't kill it for two turns so I was able to Fractal it and go on to win. A triple Lightning plus Scarabs plus Weapon assault ended the first game.
Second GameAverage opening draw over on my side. I did however pick up about 4 Lightnings in my first dozen cards. I used these plus Eternity to help slow damage down while I went through as many cards as I could on my side. Eventually I started chaining Dim Shields, drew my Hourglass and Scarab, and the rest is history.