Well since we still need to put names to use, I might as well put my twist on it.

Evasion - Cannot be attacked for X turns.
Ride a Lightning - Teleport directly to the Aether capital.

Ambush - Aggressive Stance does not cost any action points for X turns.
Mobility - One extra Action Point can be used for X turns or until the user is attacked.

Stealth - One less Action Point can be used for X turns, but the user cannot be seen by other players.

Cause Fear - All players sharing a Hex with the user run away in fear to the Hex nearest to their capital.
March - The Hex that the user is standing on will now permanently produce X more resources.
Undead - Target Death player sharing the same Hex as the user permanently gains one random Death creature in their vault.

Escape - The user jumps two Hexes to the Earth capital.
Toughness - For X turns, it takes twice as many Action Points to attack the user.
Digging - The user has a random chance to dig up a card, even rare ones!

Diversion - All non-Entropy players sharing the same Hex do a random action this turn.

Destroy - The hex that the user is on will no longer produce resources for X turns.
Bombardment - The user can attack a target player from two hexes away.

Improved Siege - Sieges are now X turns faster.
Machinery - All fast travel is instant for the user for X turns.
Repair - Target Gravity player sharing the same hex as the user permanently gains one random Gravity creature.

Hunter - The user gains a random creature of the element that owns the hex Hunter is used on.
Shaman - The next player to attack the user cannot use Life creatures.
Scouting - The user can see the deck of the target player up to 3 hexes away.

Heal - Strengthen an NPC deck sharing the same hex as the user.
Crusade - All Light players gain X reputation with the target element.
Improved Resurrection - Target a Light player. If that player dies, no cards are lost, but they lose all Electrum they are holding.

Trading - For X turns, all NPC's dealing with the user now consider the user to have 75+ Reputation.
Science - A random Time creature the user owns transforms, randomly, into a Pharaoh or Eternity.

Waterbreathing - The user now has two extra Action Points on all water tiles.

Smuggler - The next NPC the user deals with now offers all creature cards from a random element to the user.
Dirty Fighting - The next player the user duels cannot X upgraded cards.