*Bump* ~ Due to the current trials, I'm reviving this thread that I found buried deep in an ancient Fire Temple. I must share it's awesome secrets!
I love this card, a lot. I think I have a soft spot for cards thats use changes greatly when upgraded. Phoenix for example, it becomes "worse" when you upgrade it, but both have awesome uses to take advantage of. This card is both a Shield and a Sword, I just love the concept of that

I also love how this fits in with Fire's cardset. We have a lot of spells to utilize, even in just the Fire Element. Such things as a PhoenixBow could use a nice shield and with all the control they pack, the damage would sure add up. I think it's pretty cool that you've come up with a way for Fire to reduce damage without killing the offending creature, yet hurting you in the process just the same. And on a balancing note, the ability only flares when YOU cast a spell, so I don't think that it's OP. Due to the amount of damage these things can deal in the long run, I think the cost is about right. All around, I like it a lot and only wonder why you never submitted it to the curators to be added to the crucible