Stargazer is a three attack-five health creature, for a heavy eight Aether Quanta, what makes this creature unique is the new ability to create creatures when it dies, in this case three Ball of lightning's, which are a free five attack-zero health creature, this card is balanced thanks to the one burst damage of the creatures that it creates, as they die at the end of player's turn, making this creature in essence do 15 damage to opponent after player's turn.
1. It combines well with, earth, as you can plate armor your Ball of Lightning's to create three solid five attack and six health creatures for the price of three total earth quanta, adding to a ,in my opinion, underused but great synergy of Earth and Aether. (very powerful fractal antlion, and parallel universe shrieker)
2. It can also be combined with chaos power, to again create permanent attackers up to ten attack and five health. adding to a powerful combo cards that are in crucible, Chaos Lightning and Molding Clay that also use Aether and Entropy.
3. It has a decent enough attack, three, as it will remain mostly untouched by opponent because of its nasty ability when killed.
4. Aether has on element cheap creature control, one Aether Quanta, Thunderbolt which can kill this creature.
1. As it has a high health, five, it will be mostly left alone by opponent, and wont be killed by almost any mass creature control with the rare exception of pandemonium.
2. It has a high cost of summoning, eight Aether quanta for a not very impressive, basic (using a mono aether) 15 burst damage and a 3 constant damage.
3. Decks have to made around the deck, and its not very powerful to make it worth it, unlike most Aether cards that can just be added without having to be built around them.
1. Decrease price by one or two Aether quanta to make it come out faster, making it more useful.
icecoldbro rating