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Good games. My deck just was a pretty tough counter for his. Lots of cc and bone wall versus dragons and such

First game: I had a pretty slow start with just 2 pendulums. Eventually he had a dark dragon and air dragon out with eclipse, so both had 6 hp. I played a plague, then next turn I played bone wall and 2 rage potions to kill both, which was pretty much the game since he didnt have enough to get through that bone wall.
Second game: I had a much better start with 4 pends, and was able to control most of the game. He had an early vampire and pest, and I had a phoenix out. He LS'd the phoenix, so next turn I played a bone wall and rain of fire, killing his creatures and giving me a 13 stack bone wall. Again I was able to just control it after that since he wasnt able to power through it (I did kill more of his creatures but yeah thats the general flow of the games).