Here's an Advanced Tutorial on how to make your card idea become a reality.
Step 1 (Preparations):Have a 256x256 image (.jpg or .png preferably) available (saved onto your computer) before starting your card idea - this is vital for the E* section of designing a card image. If you don't have an image, that's okay, but it's important to remember this resolution when it comes to making your final card art.
Example (Click on the 'Show' Button):
Step 2 (Design!):Open the following link below, and begin designing your card idea!
A (Creature/Permanent/Spell Tab): Hit this button to open a scroll-down window to change what type of card it is - you have three options. Note that if the card isn't a creature, you don't have to do anything for 'J'.
B (Element Tab): Hit this button to open a scroll-down window to change the card's Element. "Other" is listed in the image above.
C (Upgrade box): Check the square if you want the card to have the upgraded background. Leave it unmarked as is if it's non-upgraded.
D (Cost box): Check this square if you want the card to require a specific type of elemental quanta when played. Leave it unchecked if it doesn't require a specific elemental quanta type (See Long Sword and Animate Weapon for similar effects) - the icon will appear in the 'box' below.
E* (Picture uploading): Self-explanatory.
Please read Step 1 in regards to the resolution size of the picture; uploading improper sizes may result in picture shrinking or deformation.F (Save as PNG): Save the card onto your computer - NOTE: When saving it as a PNG file, you needed to actually put the phrase '.png' (without the quotation marks) after the title of your image in order for it to save correctly, or else it won't save onto your computer correctly.
G (Title): Rename as necessary by clicking on the box and typing something in.
H (Card Cost): Adjust as necessary by clicking on the box and typing something in.
J (Stats): Adjust as necessary by clicking on the box and typing something in - note that this only needs to be changed if the card is a creature. Spells and Permanents do not need stats.
K (Art by...): Remove the '...' part and place in the artist's name if applicable. It's important to note that this does not need to be done with images that YOU have created, but it's important to cite the artist's name whenever possible if the art isn't yours. Credit should always be given to the artist.
L (Text box): Write description as necessary. Note that you only get 4 lines, so think carefully about what you want to put into the text box. The icons below can also be clicked on in order to add that icon in the text box.
Step 3 (Save):Save the designed card images (one non-upgraded and one upgraded) onto your computer. (READ Part F in the Step 2 Spoilers for details!)
Step 4 (Upload):Upload the images onto a image hosting site, such as this one: the above, all you have to do is hit the 'Browse' button and find the card images you designed, and then hit 'OK' to upload them. Please
DO NOT change any other variable. Upload the image, and that's that.
You should arrive at this page:

Remember the red box area.
Step 5 (Table):When you're done making, saving, and uploading card images, copy the following code found here:,5039.0.html When you preview a new post for your card idea, it should initially start off like this:
| |
NAME: | ***Insert name***
| ELEMENT: | ***Insert element***
| COST: | ***Insert cost***
| TYPE: | ***Insert type***
| ATK|HP: | ***Insert att|hp***
| TEXT: | ***Insert card text***
| NAME: | ***Insert name (upgraded)***
| ELEMENT: | ***Insert element (upgraded)***
| COST: | ***Insert cost (upgraded)***
| TYPE: | ***Insert type (upgraded)***
| ATK|HP: | ***Insert att|hp (upgraded)***
| TEXT: | ***Insert card text (upgraded)***
ART: | ***Insert artist name***
| IDEA: | ***Insert card maker name***
| NOTES: | ***Insert additional information***
| SERIES: | ***Insert series name and link to series page (if any)***
Step 6 (Modifying):For filling out the table...
- Copy and paste the direct link found in the red box area of the Image hosting website into the "http://***InternetAddressOfCardImage.jpg***" section of the table. Remember to note that you have to do this twice for both versions (non-upgraded and upgraded) of your card idea.
- Where it asks for the ELEMENT, type the word out with the first letter capitalized. (Examples: Fire, Entropy, Gravity)
- Where it asks for the COST, place the number followed by the elemental symbol if a symbol is required. (Examples: 4
, 7
, 1
) - Where it asks for the TYPE, type only one of the following words: Creature, Spell or Permanent - this should correspond to the option you selected during the Design step ('A').
- Where it asks for the ATK|HP, put the values from the 'J' section of the image; if the card doesn't have attack|HP, (it's a spell/permanent), leave this section blank. {Note: The only exception to this is if you are crafting a Weapon permanent; Weapons have stats when turned into a 'creature' via the Flying Weapon spell (i.e. - 'flying')}
- Where it asks for the TEXT, put what was put in the text area of the card image, word for word, icon for icon, punctuation mark for punctuation mark.
Repeat these tasks for the upgraded card.
- In the ART box, put the name of the person that drew the image and if came from a royalty free website provide the link. Always provide proof of being granted permission to use any given art if you did not design the artwork. Some websites are known to have royalty free images such as .
- Where it asks for the IDEA, type in the name of those who came up with the card concept (this means putting down YOUR name in the table unless someone else thought of the idea instead). Put down multiple names if a team of people created the card idea.
- Where it asks for the NOTES, put any information that would contribute to the analysis and development of the card.
- Where it asks for the SERIES, please put the name of the series AND a link to a Series Page this card belongs to, if it doesn't belong to a series leave this space blank.
Step 7 (Post!):Post your card idea in the Level 0 - Smithy section OR the main board of the Card Ideas & Art section here:,6.0.html...and CONGRATULATIONS! You've just used this Advanced tutorial to post your card idea.
Well done! Now take a breather and feel free to do it again.