CURATOR COMMENT-Leave the ATK|HP section of the table blank if the card is not a creature (For Overgrowth | Jungle). "N/A" is inappropriate, as the letters can technically denote stats (See 'Scarab')
Personally, I think that the initial cost should be cheaper, and the CUMULATIVE absorption should be dramatically increased to 3

per turn. This way, it sort of follows the concept of Flooding in that it requires a notable amount of

quanta to work right, but when it does, it produces a lot of flora that can devastate the opponent.
The Trees' passive growth effect is cute, but I'm assuming that they start out weak because of this, correct? If that's the case, you should probably make their HP higher while giving them 0 attack - this way, they're more resistant towards CC effects, but are poor damage dealers unless they're left untouched over time.
Just my suggestions, of course. ^^;