Betrayed. Abandoned. Outcasts with only one thing on their mind...Revenge.War: Underworld
War: Underworld is an event designed to give players who didn't get past the War auction, a new chance to join the War, and even ultimately win the whole thing! Path to victory won't be easy, but with a lot of skill and bit of a luck, you now have a change to pay back to the Generals who didn't think you were valuable enough to join their team.
1. JOINING THE EVENT64 players. One goal: revenge.
1.1. WHO CAN JOIN?Players who applied for War main event, but didn't get past the auction, can join War: Underworld. If you didn't post an application in the War Auction section, you cannot join this event. Exception to the previous rule is when there is only 24 hours left until sign-ups end, and we have less than 64 players who have signed up. In that situation
anyone can join the event.
1.2. HOW TO JOIN?Organizers will start a sign up topic. You can join the event by posting on that topic, expressing that you want to join. There are a total of 64 spots available so please try to sign up as fast as possible.
2. BATTLESWar: Underworld is a
single-elimination tournament. It uses two kinds of deckbuilding sets: odd-numbered rounds and even-numbered rounds. Deckbuilding rules are different in both sets.
2.1. ODD-NUMBERED ROUNDSDeckbuilding rules:- any mark
- pick one of these elements:

. At least 50% of cards must be from that element. You can pick a new element each round.
- non-upgraded cards only. Upgraded cards are
not allowed.
- players are not allowed to change their decks during a round
2.2. EVEN-NUMBERED ROUNDSDeckbuilding rules:- any mark
- pick one of these elements:

. At least 50% of cards must be from that element. You can pick a new element each round.
- non-upgraded cards only. Upgraded cards are
not allowed.
- players are not allowed to change their decks during a round.
2.3. DUELSWe are using a "best-of-three" method, which means that each battle consists of up to 3 matches with the winner being the first player to get 2 wins. You have to use the same deck and mark in all 3 matches. If you are in the losers brackets and have ti fight 2 different opponents during a round, you may change your deck and mark between opponents.
Players will contact their opponent and try to find a time that suits both. Players have 4 days to make the fight happen. If the fight doesn't happen, both players lose by default, unless one player is clearly more active in trying to find a suitable time. Warmasters will determine who the most active player is, and their word is final.
2.4. WINNERSTop-8 players from the tournament will form the 13th War team, Team Underworld. Winner of the tournament will receive the award icon of "King of Underworld", and will become the General of Team Underworld.
3. BUILDING TEAM UNDERWORD8 players who survived the battle phase, will form Team Underworld.
3.1. GENERALWinner of the Underworld Tournament becomes the General of Team Underworld. If the winner prefers to be a non-General instead, he or she can appoint one of the 7 other players as General.
3.2. SECRET FORUM SECTIONTeam will gain access to a secret forum section only visible to team members, Warmasters and the forum Administrator. All discussions held in this secret section are to be kept a secret. A player who gets caught telling team secrets to anyone outside his or her own team will be permanently banned from all Elements community PvP events. Just to be safe, don't publicly talk about
anything that goes on in that section.
3.3. MEMBER ROLESEach Team Underworld member has a specific role. Member roles are assigned by the General.
1. GeneralGeneral is the leader of the team who makes sure that other team members are doing their jobs and fighting their battles. General also communicates with Warmasters. Generals can use up to 6 upgraded cards during duels.
2. LieutenantLieutenant is second in command. If one team member is unable to perform his or her duties, the Lieutenant is responsible for performing the job of that team member. Lieutenants can use up to 3 upgraded cards during duels.
3. StrategistStrategist is in charge of planning team overall strategy. Each round, Strategist starts a topic that talks about opponents strengths and weaknesses, for example what cards the opponents have left, what kind of decks they like to use, etc.
4. Vault OrganizerVault Organizer makes sure that the team Vault is up-to-date at all times by adding and removing cards when needed.
5. DeckbuilderDeckbuilder starts a deck topic for each round. Everyone on the team joins deckbuilding discussion, but it's Deckbuilders job to make sure that all the decks are ready on time and that none of the decks are illegal.
6. Duel OrganizerDuel Organizer is in charge of all team duels happening during a round. If one or more team members are unable to fight their duels, Duel Organizer must inform the General as soon as possible and try to find a replacement.
7. SalvagerSalvager starts the "Salvaging/Discarding" topic. Everyone on the team joins the discussion, but it's Salvagers job to make sure that all discarding and salvaging are done on time.
8. DogsbodyThe Dogsbody is the Generals Aide filling in any duty that may be required of him.
3.4. THE VAULTThe Vault is very important because cards in the Vault are not only used to build decks, but they also act as "hit points" for the whole team. If a Vault is less than 30 cards at the start of a round, team gets eliminated from the event.
Team Underworld will start with a Vault of 288 cards. Vault is built by the whole team, led by the General.
Vault building rules:- maximum of 18 copies of a single card (restriction doesn't apply to Pillars or Pendulums)
- no Shards
Cards in the Vault are always unupgraded. If you move an upgraded card back to the Vault, it becomes unupgraded.
Important! Vault doesn't really exist. Players are not given cards they take from the Vault, nor are any cards removed from their account if they lose. Players must own the cards on their Elements game account in order to use them. If a player doesn't have a specific card in his/her account, He/she cannot use it even if that card is listed in the Vault. So try to pick cards that your team members actually have or can buy if needed.
4. JOINING THE WAR MAIN EVENTTeam Underworld will join the War main event during round 5 as the 13th team and follows all the same rules as the other 12 teams. There are some exceptions though, listed below.
4.1. DECKBUILDINGTeam Underworld is basically "Team Rainbow", so their deckbuilding rules differ from other teams.
Modified deckbuilding rules for Team Underworld:- any mark
- maximum of 3 copies of a single card. This restriction does not apply to Pillars or Pendulums.
- non-upgraded cards only. Upgraded cards are
not allowed.
- General may use up to 6 upgraded cards (unupgraded cards taken from the Vault are transformed into upgraded ones)
- Lieutenants can use up to 3 upgraded cards (unupgraded cards taken from the Vault are transformed into upgraded ones)
- no Shards
- players are not allowed to change their decks during a round.
4.2. CARD CONVERTINGEach round, Team Underworld can convert any 24 cards in their Vault with a Quantum Pillar. Converting helps the team to avoid a situation where they would be otherwise forced to build "suicide" decks. Converting will be done by the Vault Organizer who posts on the Vault topic which cards are converted, and then edits the Vault.
5. WINNING THE WARAlthough Team Underworld starts with a card disadvantage, they can potentially win the whole War.