And if you think that those 2 upgraded cards mattered in my Wings deck, then wow. The only things I ended up playing were Towers and then Shrieker-Shrieker-Dragon-Dragon. Then it ended a turn after that due to his Dagger.
And if you're saying it's not clear just because I put the wrong deck here on the forums, then you might as well say that all of my decks were unclear, because I re-constructed them afterward. You could say everyone's decks were unclear. Besides, this kind of thing has happened before, and it was never counted as an illegal deck.
The way these things work is that if you use an illegal deck, you will auto-lose. Period. We won't launch a separate investigation every time someone doesn't know how to count, and try to determine whether or not the illegal deck "mattered".
Besides, this kind of thing has happened before, and it was never counted as an illegal deck.
Do you have an example of this? I'd like to see it, because unless I was drunk at the time, it wasn't me who made that call, and it most definitely wasn't the Final Battle of Trials.
If you think that I would have let this thing slide if the error was made by someone else, then you don't know me. I take following rules very seriously, both in life, and on these forums.
To be frank, SG, since there's an ok chance you'll deny this or mount some huge counterattack, I know you do not like me and my "lack" of punctuality (At least, I think it was that. I would be rather sad if it didn't work on anyone) and my constant errors. However, these things happen for the same reason that red and blue make purple; It's just the way things are.
Interesting. I'm not quite what you are talking about here. As far as I know, the only "confrontation" I have had with you was when I replaced you as a Tournament Organizer, and that was simply because you didn't do your job. Everyone could saw that, and later you yourself even admitted it. There was no bad blood what so ever involved in that decision. I needed someone dependable to organize tournaments so that I wouldn't have to organize them myself, and you were not that someone because you didn't organize tournaments, and when you did, you quit the tournament half-way. It was a simple business decision for me, nothing more. If you take me replacing you as me hating your guts, then I guess you haven't worked in human resources.

All this of course has nothing to do with the issue at hand so lets get back on topic.
The bottom line is that we are in this situation because
you made an error. Blaming others for that or suggesting that I'm out to get you, is.. well, embarrassing. I think the best for you is to stop coming up with excuses, take full responsibility for not double-checking your decks, and redo those matches.