.. really dont think ppl are gonna go for this.. noone wants to fill their hand with useless cards just to boost one..
Let say I have in play only two fanatics, 1 useless relic in my hand is better than 1 blessing (global boost +4/+4 for free instead of only one boost of +3/+3 for 2
). What happen if your bless-on-random-creature is rewind or kill? you lost two card. With fanatics you still have your relics in your hands for later fun.
I'm agree with you it's not an uber combo but it have some use, in a rush deck with some lucky draw you can put in game at your first turn one 10/10-12/12. But yes start with 3-4 "useless" card in hand could be a let-down...
Let's just say you have nothing for free.