BEST CARD EVAR!!!1!!1!!11111111111oneoneoneeleven!1111111!!!!Add: If this card's controller lives in the Southern hemisphere, nuke all their opponet's creatures. If they live in the Northern hemisphere, this card fires its lazor. If they live in the 4th dimension, this card turns them into a poodle. If they like the element of

, teleport them to the 1337th dimension. If the 1337th dimension actually exists, teleport them to the 9001th dimension instead. If this card's owner lives between 90 degrees north and 90 degrees south latitude, damage them until they have 1 health left. If this card is played on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday, it gets
+o*p/+n*a, where
o is 9001*the weight of the controller's car,
p isthe volume of their laughter*the number of atoms in their bodies,
n is the power of their laser-the rating of their DS's color, and
a is 1337+the number of people taking a crap at the moment. This creature gets adrenaline because it feels like it.