Hey antiaverage,
This might be slightly lengthy, but either way, I hope you have fun. Here we go:
As a special 'player', the BOSS, your win condition does not rely on collecting a certain quota of relics. Rather, you must fulfill one of these conditions:
- Kill every single player in the game besides you, or have all other active players be dead.
- Force every single player that is still alive into an 'O' or outside/boundary tile (basically, remove everyone from your dungeon).
If you win, the person/team with the highest amount of relics towards their goal is given 2nd place (if they are tied, they'll be tied for 2nd place). Based on the 2nd place winner, you will receive the 1st place prize of THEIR win (i.e. - if the 2nd place winner was an non-team participant with 8 relics, you get 8 points because that's the prize for the 1st place winner for a non-team participant that won with 10 relics).
You are, after all, the guardian of your relics (or Relic 'Maze'

On Day 17, your character will be placed onto the map; you must
choose a non-boundary/non-wall tile (or basically, any tile that's not an 'O' or a '#') to use as your starting position, so when you get this, respond back to regarding what tile you're going to 'appear' at. Failure to respond will result in randomization (you may be put in a bad place...).
From then on out, you can basically control all 12 ghosts found in the 'MAIN GRID' tab of the googledoc spreadsheet found here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2XzkavwHyCmSOBjuXTLroooJUwZr3zxDaVME11Rnlk/edit#gid=0The ghosts are below the main grid on the right side (you'll have to scroll down). Your puppets have an infinite amount of health technically, represented by a '?' mark, and thus cannot take damage. Their names are labeled 'antighost (letter)'; if you want to rename them, notify me ASAP, but try to make the names easy please. ^^;;
As stated in the thread:
- All ghosts can only move 2 tiles per turn in any direction, similar to the 'ghost' summoned by the Legendary Skull of Haunts.
- Ghosts cannot move into any 'O' (opening) tile, as they are bounded within the Relic
Maze dungeon - Ghosts cannot interact with any switches, use any fountain, nor pick up any relic or key. Their stances are always 'No Stance'.
- Ghosts (NOT the boss - i.e. antiaverage) are immune to damage, including damage from traps, weapons, stances, and other effects.
- Ghosts may bypass and enter '#' (wall) tiles and exit them.
- A new ghost may be summoned when two players are killed.
- Ghosts will either disappear upon having its host killed (antiaverage), or entering the same tile that a player enters. The player and the ghost in the latter case both die.
You cannot die by your own ghosts however. Lucky you!

However, your own mechanics are
slightly different compared to the ghosts, but you have a few drawbacks and perks in comparison (I'll be announcing these on the Day 16 thread as well):
- You start off with a whopping 200 HP, double of normal players, but not 'undefined' like the ghosts ('?').
- You can only move two tiles per turn in any direction, making you move like a ghost. However, you CANNOT bypass nor enter any wall tile.
- Your stance is -always- 'No Stance', meaning again, you cannot interact with any switches, fountains, relics, or keys on the map. This also means you cannot defend against/damage players via stances.
- You are not immune to any damage from traps, weapons, stances, and other effects. You can be killed by ghosts summoned via 'Skull of Haunts'. You can be stunned and given status effects also.
- You cannot leave the dungeon at any time, as it's your prerogative to make everyone else leave (i.e. - you're protecting your dungeon!), so you cannot enter any 'O' tile. Players cannot 'push' you to an boundary tile via movement-based relics or tricks (i.e. - Heavenly Fan, Boilseyin's Magnet, etc.).
- If you fail to send in your moves, you will automatically lose 50 HP.
- Finally, you have SIX interesting abilities unique to you only as a player - your abilities take precedence before relics, and cannot have their cooldowns or effects negated by relics, but you may only use up to two of them each day:
- Sleepwalk (ER): You can move four tiles during the current turn in any direction, but your ghosts are put to sleep (i.e. - immobilized).
- Endanger (ER): Transforms a visible '.' (blank) tile into a '^' trap, or upgrades a current trap into a more deadly one (i.e. - '^' -> '!', or '!' -> 'X'). Transforming a tile with a player on it does not harm them if they move out of that tile by the end of the day.
- Possess (ER): Move one dead player (corpse) up to three squares in any direction/path you wish. YOU are immobilized during this use however.
- Revert (2U): Restore 25 HP to yourself, but you must choose five (5) used fountain tiles ('`') to be restored back to their original '*' non-used state. Failure to choose fountains will result in all dead players being revived.
- Necromancy (EoR): All dead players the current day are given 'Assault Stance', and will deal 20 damage to any alive player (except you) who enters their tile. They are not revived nor pick up relics if they kill someone via this ability.
- Vanish (2U): You become invisible for the next two days, but all damage you take during the current day and while invisible is tripled.
With that being said, one last thing. Since you're the 'BOSS', it comes naturally fitting that upon defeat comes a wonderful treasure: if you die,
all players that contributed towards the killing blow will be:
-healed to full,
-teleported to the center-most tiles (specifically, M14-N15, dependent on their starting positions),
-and ALL legendary relics will be open to them for grabs (i.e. - no more locked chests upon teleportation). The walls surrounding those relics will be lowered two days after your death. (This of course, can be negated if the players figured out how how to operate the corner switch walls to open the legendary set).
PLEASE ask questions if you have any, and if not, send me what tile you'd like to start on ASAP so I can put you in for Day 17.

Good luck!