Time until the game begins: NOW! But you can still sign-up!Now introducing...
Elements: Relic Sweeper
(brought to you by the makers of Elements Mafia 50, Fanatics and Heretics, and other crappy games)
Rules: Relic Sweeper is a simple game with one objective; after entering the Relic "Maze" (or Grid), be the first one to leave the game with the required amount of Relic treasures scattered and placed across the map.
Players can choose to work as an individual, or in a team (2-3 players) at the cost of Master of Game points.
# of Players on Team | Relics needed for win | Points given (Master of Games) |
1 player | 10 | 8 |
2 players | 18 | 6 |
3 players | 24 | 4 |
Players are allowed to sign-up individually, together as a team, OR they can sign-up initially alone and join forces later on. Once a player (or team of players) collect their required Relic quota, to seal their 1st place win, they must all successfully leave the maze by entering the border (or the 'O' symbols).
once a player enters a team, the win requirements and point awards associated with them cannot revert if a player becomes inactive. This means, if you create a team of three players, and two of them drop out or are unresponsive, the remaining member MUST collect relics equal to the required amount (24) and leave the grid (entering a 'O' spot). This is to prevent situations where multiple players could hypothetically collect several relics by being spread around the map, trading them all to one person quickly, and then quitting, leaving one player to reap the rewards in a fast manner.
In addition, players may not join a team once they have more than 4 Relics. This is also to prevent situations where players may obtain relics under the required amount, then join up to meet the team requirement and leave for an efficient win.
Players can sign-up at any time, including after the game begins - if they wish to start at a specific spot on the map border, they should post the exact tile (i.e. - "A2") as their starting point, or else they will be randomly assigned. Once the game begins, they have 24 hours to place their actions (see Basic Actions, far below).
The Map:The Relic Maze (
found here) is the grid which players work off of. Players are notified on this page of who is playing in the game, as well as health totals, status effects that they are currently dealing with, the number of keys and Relics they may have, as well as each player's actual position. A player who is on the tile on the very top left corner of the map, is marked by 'A2' in the position section, for example.
Each of the tile types have an effect; players can locate a simplistic 'legend key' by hovering their cursor over the first row (or A1 row area) where "THE MAZE GRID" title is located, or read the following for a description.
Any tile with the letter 'P' is the location of one or more players.
Spoiler for Tile Types:
General/Structure Tiles:
? - "Unknown": The main tile that obscures the majority of the map. Players that enter these tiles generally do not have a clue of what's located in them - using any stance can and will reveal their contents accordingly though...
. - "Nothing": The period is self-explanatory; a boring tile with no contents to be found there (...for the most part). 
NOTE: Any of the Item tiles with a period in front of it mean that the tile's contents have already been picked up.
O - "Opening": As this structure is open from all sides, players may enter the Map at any angle and explore the main grid in any way they wish from this starting boundary. Players in 'O' tiles cannot be injured or affected by any detrimental effect, including stances, stuns, general damage, and whatnot.
# - "Wall": Players cannot enter nor 'pass' through a wall, regardless of whatever Relics they may pick up. If a player somehow enters or runs into a Wall tile, their move will either not count, or cause them to be moved to an adjacent spot (in the case of 'Pop-up Walls').
Bonus/Item Tiles:
S - "Safe" (or Locked Chest): Players who encounter/unveil these chests will have plenty of opportunity to figure out a way to unlock it later on, through the use of Keys, Switches, or other interesting triggers. Safes will always have a message attached to them for those who wish to open them. The majority of these locked Safes contain...
$ - "Relics":The awesome treasures of the game. There are 24 'instantly accessible' Relics that are lying around in '?' tiles, and 36 others located in Chests that are locked away due to their immense power. Players must collect these and leave (either by themselves or with teammates) with the required amount in order to win.
K - "Keys":The main item that you'll find throughout the Grid to unlock various chests. Some keys may be harder to find than others, or have interesting effects (temporal, 'shattered', and whatnot). Upon picking up a key, a PM is sent to that player explaining the details of that key, to help them find out/figure out how to use it correctly.
* - "Fountain": A useful tile that will heal you up fully - note that this tile will only work on the FIRST player that explores it, meaning that if you were to use it at full HP, all other players can no longer make use of the heal effect. Aside from player based damage, Fountains can also cure all debuffs that are on you upon the initial exploration.
` - "Used Fountain": A used Fountain tile - although generally useless, can still be helpful for those with certain regenerative Relics.
Trap/Danger Tiles:
^ - "Spikes/Darts": The least harmful of the negative tiles, unveiling (and subsequently entering) any '^' tile removes 10% of your total HP.
! - "Fumes/Animals": Moderately dangerous tiles, unveiling (and subsequently entering) any '!' tile removes 25% of your total HP.
X - "Horrors/Cursed": Severely perilous tiles, unveiling (and subsequently entering) any 'X' tile removes 50% of your total HP. There are very few of these around the map, but beware - something could curse the whole grid...
Trigger Tiles:
- = "Off Switch": A switch that is turned off.
~ = "On Switch": A switch that is turned on.
Basic Actions:Every player gets 3 AP (or 'Action Points') in the game as a standard, as well as 100 HP. There are ways to reduce or increase either based on certain treasures you may find, but the majority of the time, players are limited to doing a certain number of basic actions each turn. Certain actions are mutually exclusive with each other, and thus cannot be used at the same time. A list of Basic Actions is found both below and
Every turn, players are given 3 AP (barring negative debuff effects, positive Relic bonuses, or whatnot). A 'Stun' is considered a debuff that sets AP to '0'. Turns last 24 hours (i.e. - updated every 24 hours).
Spoiler for List of Basic Actions and "Stances":
Movement (1 AP): Move your character in one of the 8 directions (NW, N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W); you cannot move outside of the Grid however, nor can you bypass any of the Walls (pink tiles marked with a hash symbol, '#'). Movement is key for Relic Sweeper; players have an abundant amount of tiles to search treasures for, and thus must move efficiently should they want to win.
Trade (0 AP): If you and another player wish to swap items (for any reason), both players must be on the same tile and agree to Trade certain items. Once finalized via a PM (personal message), the host will then swap their items accordingly for their inventory.
Stances are a unique feature of this game: in every tile you visit, players have a choice to select which stance they go into, assuming they have the required amount of AP. It's important to note that the various '?' tiles can only have their true contents revealed if a player uses any of the following stances (except 'No Stance').
No Stance (0 AP): You do not take a Stance in that tile; if it's a '?' tile, the contents of that tile are not revealed. You must specify this Stance while sending in your moves.
Explore (0 AP): Ignores Cautious/Defend stance players, and allows you to pick up any and all item(s) in that tile if there's no other contenders, as well as interact with switches. This stance is the 'default' stance that players will use.
Investigate (1 AP): Ignores Cautious/Defend stance players, and allows you to pick up any and all item(s) in that tile if there's no other contenders, as well as interact with switches. Grants 2 bonus AP for the next turn if you pick up any Relic or key (non-stacking after a successful investigation).
Fight (1 AP): Deals 5 damage to players in that hex, and if they're investigating/exploring a potential item, take it instead.
Assault (2 AP): Deals 10 damage to players in that hex, and if they're investigating/exploring a potential item, take it instead. Killing or damaging a player with this action yields 2 AP for the next turn (stacking).
Defend (1 AP): Reflects all damage from any Assault/Fight Stance and stuns those players for 1 turn. Reduces damage taken by danger tiles ("X", "!", "^") by 50% should you step into them. Generally useful if you feel that you are going to be attacked or if you might be entering dangerous tiles.
Cautious (2 AP): Reflects all damage from any Assault/Fight Stance and stuns those players for 2 turns. Reduces damage taken by danger tiles ("X", "!", "^") by 50% should you step into them. Killing or damaging a player with this action via the reflected damage yields 2 AP for the next turn (stacking).
The stances come and go in a 'Rock, Paper, Scisscors' type of match up:
-Between an Assault/Fight vs. Investigate/Explore, the Assault/Fight player will damage the latter player, and potentially take any item on that tile as well.
-Between a Cautious/Defend vs. Assault/Fight, the Cautious/Defend player will reflect all damage to the latter player and stun them.
-Between an Investigate/Explore vs. Cautious/Defend, the Investigate/Explore will simply pick up any items on that tile, and move on.
Ties of course happen:
-Between two or more Assault/Fight players, they both deal each other damage, and no items are picked up.
-Between two or more Cautious/Defend players, they both do nothing.
-Between two or more Investigate/Explore players, they end up being unable to pick up any item (but switches are affected still)
-Between a mexican standoff of ALL stances (one Assault/Fight, one Cautious/Defend, and one Investigate/Explore), no items are picked up, but all damage/stuns/effects still occur between the 3.
All Basic actions occur per their order.
Spoiler for Example:
Two player actions are as follows (they both start on the same spot).
Player A: Move South, Move South, Move East (3 AP used)
Player B: Move South (No Stance), Move South + Fight Stance (3 AP used)
For the first action, both players move south in the same tile, but Player A unveils the contents of that tile (and gets any items/triggers any switches that are there), since Player B chose to not Explore it as their default stance.
For the second action, both players move south again into the same tile, but Player B has used a Fight Stance, allowing him to deal 5 damage to Player A and take whatever items located in that spot (Player A, however, triggers any switches there).
For the third action, Player A has already moved East and explored that tile (unveiling its contents), while player B is still left in the previous spot.
Throughout the game, you'll uncover a variety of relics based on the 12 elements, that can help you and your teammates or cause untold chaos and misfortune on your fellow competitors. Some of them are easier to obtain than others. Some of them work better with other Relics than others. But in any case, every Relic has a gift, and you can see the full list here:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M2XzkavwHyCmSOBjuXTLroooJUwZr3zxDaVME11Rnlk/edit#gid=1811476006In that sheet, players can find who owns which relic, assuming it has been picked up at all.
Relics do not cost ANY AP to use, but do have a cooldown associated with them if they're activated (assuming they are not passive bonuses). Players must wait the required amount of turns to use the Relic again - in addition, certain relics take priority over others if certain ones are used (or attempted to be used) at the same time. For a list of those relics by Precedence, the following tab can be found here:
Getting Killed:If a player dies (health hits zero or goes negative) while holding any number of Relics or Keys, their Relics and Keys are temporarily placed on the tile that they died in, or an adjacent/the nearest "." tile, and exposed to everyone as a simple '$' tile to pick up.
While you are dead, you cannot do anything in the game, UNLESS one of the following happens:
-Someone revives you through the use of a Relic.
Try not to die.

Sign-ups:Remember that players can sign-up at any time, before or after the game starts; in order to confirm a team, players must all agree to the team, as players cannot be 'removed' or substituted once they join forces; the players that form a team may not have more than 4 relics upon merging together.
Time until the game begins: NOW!