I will be away past the deadline... so here is my N0 list of reads (typed somewhat quickly and with a GRAND OVERALL CAVEAT that N0 only has so much information or perception available to us):
none yet
Demagog - plans of action so far have felt pro-town; has always been town in games I've played and this so far does match his town-game VERY well.
Espithel - some quick hit posts, some wall posts, all containing responses and plans that come off town to me.
DoubleCapitals - volume of posts is good but content/quality is lacking and nothing of note to me so far.
CleanOnion - null... volume but nothing good enough to read.
danil - responded 'OK' to the push about "new", so far.
Sera - mid-level volume and nothing of note to read yet, from my view.
UTAlan - from UTA, I find that "I won't post much this game because I didn't win/perform well last game" a tad furry for my taste.
Linkcat - *sigh*, I pause to go to hard on this read yet... but for reasons about his pushes on my very basic pushes lean me this way.
none yet
/ afk until after deadline of N0