You can PM if you post the PM in the thread, as you just said. Double spam is worse than normal spam
[16:34:11] Submachine [»] Espithel: *cough*
[16:34:14] Submachine [»] Espithel: Hi
[16:44:11] Espithel [»] Submachine: Hmmm?
[16:45:03] Submachine [»] Espithel: ohai
[16:45:15] Submachine [»] Espithel: I wanted to know if there is any good way to roleplay you
[16:45:45] Espithel [»] Submachine: You're doing fine, pup
[16:46:08] Submachine [»] Espithel: I'm running out of ideas though and all I have left are quotes ._.
[16:47:05] Submachine [»] Espithel: Can you link me to the mafia where you changed the votes last minute but nobody called you out for it?
[16:47:57] Espithel [»] Submachine: Mafia 47
[16:48:13] Espithel [»] Submachine: Note that just because I did something before, doesn't mean they'll do it again
[16:50:46] Submachine [»] Espithel: I'm aware
[16:50:54] Submachine [»] Espithel: Thanks~
[16:51:03] Submachine [»] Espithel: but seriously no roleplay advices? :/
[16:51:33] Espithel [»] Submachine: Well I dunno
[16:54:41] Espithel [»] Submachine: Also, fyi, we're not supposed to discuss mafia off-mafia
[16:54:52] Espithel [»] Submachine: So one of us is going to have to post this PM into the forum.
[16:58:51] Submachine [»] Espithel: I didn't mention anything about this mafia fyi
[16:59:03] Submachine [»] Espithel: We are discussing roleplaying methods.
[17:29:26] Espithel [»] Submachine: Which is in itself
[17:29:33] Espithel [»] Submachine: A form of discussing this mafia
Posting it to be safe.