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Re: Forum Brawl #7 - Round 5 - Voting (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2018, 11:49:31 am »
Voting tool is now updated with Round 5. Remember to vote for the Log Keeper task by PMing your votes to me and ARTHA!
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Re: Forum Brawl #7 - Round 5 - Voting (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2018, 11:55:59 am »
So, er. This week has been a nightmare.
In this episode of "don't do stuff at the last minute", Espithel did in fact make some artwork for this round. Except his internet went down for an entire week. BT had to come down and fix it - it was some fault on the telephone wire. Espithel then decided to borrow a friend's memory stick, download the art, his collej work, and lightshot, take a screenshot of the image when it was uploaded to google drive the day afterwards (the deadline)...
And then collej decided it'd be hilarious to blacklist elementscommunity.org the moment I was going to PM it to fipples!
And I posted some silly joke about being the exact same guest as a scarab just before it went down! If I didn't do that, we'd have an actual submission!

So, yeah.
Give me pity votes, pls.
Here's the submission, in case you care.
Spoiler for Hidden:
« Last Edit: April 23, 2018, 11:57:45 am by Espithel »

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Re: Forum Brawl #7 - Round 5 - Voting (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2018, 12:46:33 pm »
Hey espi my black hole was better anyway :P
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Re: Forum Brawl #7 - Round 5 - Voting (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2018, 04:10:03 pm »
Spoiler for Votes In Progress:
Spoiler for Captain:
Through the windows of the ship you can see the massive black hole. A truly amazing sight at one of the most dangerour and powerful things in our universe. You feel like a small 4 mana bottle doesn't quite do it justice. Design a new version of the Black Hole card. It must cost at least 8 quanta. It must be Gravity element. (If you won the artifact in Round 2: You use the artifact to project a black hole simulation. It gives you new insights in how black holes work and it sparks your creativity. You can use any element for the card!)

Since all the cards are going to have names with variations of "black hole" I'm just going to use team names to describe their submissions.

Green Night gets my voints here. The mechanics of the card are interesting and go well with the theme of a black hole.
I'm not sure that Paratus' randomness fits thematically -- gravity is usually an element where you'd expect all the effects to be well described with laws, and randomness goes against that. It's not a bad card, but I'm not sure it fits.
Iron Manta's mechanic is unique and interesting, but I'm not convinced about the idea of it being a black hole if the things inside it are still active and usable.
I do not understand why BGFY's attack prevention only applies to the opponent when both sides cannot generate quanta from a thematic standpoint.

Spoiler for Mapper:
Draw your interpretation of a Black Hole to use as art of the card!

Going by rule of cool here. BGFY looks awesome. Green Night and Paratus have respectable runner ups. A pity about Espithel's art, it looks amazing.

Spoiler for Space Trooper:
Build a deck that represent a black hole. It could represent its effect, its appearance, its creation, or any other attribute about a black hole that you like. Be as creative as you like. There is only one restriction: You cannot use the cards ""Black Hole"" or ""Shard of Focus"".

All the decks here are pretty good. Iron Manta takes this one for making singularity a desirable choice and having the most coherent idea.

Spoiler for Log Keeper:
One of the consequences of being close to a black hole is time dilation: You experience time much slower. In a large ship like yours, time flows at different speed depending on how close that part of the ship is to the black hole. If you spend a few minutes closer to the black hole, hours could have passed in other parts of the ship.
Write a story about someone on your ship spending a few minutes to get something from another part of the ship, while someone else waits for hours on their return. Maybe they send an expedition to go look for them? Try to communicate? Or just sitting there worried about what could have happened?

Green Night's submission is annoying to read because there are no line breaks between paragraphs and many grammatical errors. Iron Manta's submission is annoying to read because there are grammatical errors. One of these complaints is worse than the other.

Spoiler for Mechanic:
All this weird talk about time dilation made you think about actual time travel. Wouldn't it be cool to go back in time? Maybe meet the Ancestors?
Make a card that represent a time machine, or something that travels back in time. It cannot generate other cards. (If you won the artifact in Round 3: Holding the artifact makes your mind work in crazy ways you didn't know it could. New ideas pop up all the time. Your card must generate at least 1 other card.)

All the cards are fairly good mechanically. Two submissions are Doctor Who references. I'll take the less obvious reference over the more obvious one, and I'll take a lack of references over the less obvious references.

« Last Edit: April 25, 2018, 06:25:16 pm by Aves »
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The Tentacle's Grip Brawl # 6

Offline JonathanCrazyJ

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Re: Forum Brawl #7 - Round 5 - Voting (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #16 on: April 25, 2018, 05:15:25 pm »
Err why the hell are all the speech marks in mine doubled??

They are not in mine in secret section?

What other grammar errors are there?

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Re: Forum Brawl #7 - Round 5 - Voting (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #17 on: April 25, 2018, 05:39:19 pm »
@JCJ speechmarks are doubled in all of them as an artefact of being processed through a spreadsheet - you may have noticed this happening to all tasks throughout Brawl so far :P (except from teams who had the foresight to use double apostrophes instead)

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Re: Forum Brawl #7 - Round 5 - Voting (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #18 on: April 25, 2018, 05:43:12 pm »
how weird lol, my eyes must have just got accustomed to reading it anyway, i remember noticing it round 1 or something lol
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Re: Forum Brawl #7 - Round 5 - Voting (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #19 on: April 25, 2018, 05:58:07 pm »
Using a find+replace addon to change "" --> " would be nice for the OP.

Spoiler for Other Iron Manta Grammar Errors:
Espithel, who was waiting outside the latrine deck at the time mumbled through the door "uh, Orbit Admiral, I'd hope you're peeing in there because I have already been waiting out here for 45 minutes."
"Haven't you ever been near a Black Hole before sir?"" scoffed Espithel, "you're in a temporal anomaly. Your urine is in a temporal anomaly. Say 'Urine, you're in a temporal anomaly.'"

I believe there should be some form of punctuation between door and uh, and the first letter in a sentence should always be capitalized.
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The Tentacle's Grip Brawl # 6

Offline CleanOnion

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Re: Forum Brawl #7 - Round 5 - Voting (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #20 on: April 25, 2018, 07:06:26 pm »

Set the search term to ""

Select "Replace"

Set the replace term to "


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Re: Forum Brawl #7 - Round 5 - Voting (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #21 on: April 25, 2018, 11:34:59 pm »
P.S i have voted, just not posted the explanations yet. Also jcj, when do you wanna play academy?
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Offline Fippe94Topic starter

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Re: Forum Brawl #7 - Round 5 - Voting (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #22 on: April 27, 2018, 08:44:27 am »
Late, but here I go:

Iron Manta's seem a bit weird, and too weak effect for the high cost. I'm not sure when I would use this. Green Night is also a bit on the weak side, but it is much better thematically, and also a bit more useful. GFY is like a sundial that can be used every other turn, seems pretty OP, not really a fan. I don't really understand Paratus. The text implies the slot itseld gets destroyed, but the notes only seem to mean that it deals damage to something on the slot, not that the slot is destroyed. Random destruction is a bit weak since it can miss, but the theme is nice at least. (I gave GN most votes here)

I don't like Iron Manta's at all. (Espithel's was better, but I'm not basing my vote on that). The other 3 are pretty equal imo, and I (think) gave most votes to GFY and Paratus.

Space Trooper:
Iron Manta is my favorite here. The way the deck basically created a black hole (singularity) and then uses it offensively is cool. Paratus was a bit boring with only one element, GFY felt a bit all over the place with no single strategy, and GN was my second fav.

Log Keeper:
None were exactly what I had in mind, but IM had the most time dilation stuff, even if some artistic creativity was taken with "realism" (but I don't expect you all to be scientifically correct either, so don't worry)

GFY and GN was the only submissions with an actual time travel mechanic, so they get my votes. I understand the thematic flavor of the other two submissions, but I would still want its effect to be more related to time travel.
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