@SkyIronSword, that's a great question.
I initially wanted to say yes. They are passive abilities, and thus should be included. However, they are also a sort of status effect. I do not know how Status effects should be treated, as their doesn't appear to be a distinction between those kinds of abilities and other passives, though they clearly differ.
Another problem is the inconsistency with the way Zanz himself treats the subject. Momentum and adrenaline can be lobo'd, but gravity pull can't? Why? Same goes for immaterial, though that makes sense as it causes an inability to target as well as protection from AoE spells. However, I feel that, as immaterial is a passive skill, if that was out of the picture, said creature would be target-able, yes?
"Immortal", the creature. Has the passive "Immaterial", the cause of it's immortality-ness-stuff.
A gravity pulled creature however is not given a passive skill, just a status effect, thus it can't be cured?
TL;DR: I think this card would work against momentum, adrenaline, immaterial, and wise. But NOT gravity pull. Sorry I know my thoughts are all over, hopefully someone gets the gist of what I'm saying.
I hope someone with more knowledge on the subject has a thought to add? *Summons the idea guru*