Deja Vu
Deja Vu, something contra to the memory you recall. Deja Vu performs the role of the staple weenie for the element of Time. Its Ability allows you to replicate itself giving you two for the price of one. Note that spawning an exact copy was only achievable otherwise via the exorbitantly priced spell Parallel Universe. Deja Vu is the primary creature in the False God Paradox’s arsenal. The Deja Vu is reasonably priced at 1 for a 1|1 creature but becomes even better when upgraded to Elite Deja Vu possibly generating 4 potential attack for the low investment of 2
What can we do with this? 1. We can use the Deja Vu ability to replicate it to gain a card advantage. 2. We can Buff it and replicate it to double our bonus
What Deck would use this? 1. The False God Paradox. 2. Light/Time combinations that can benefit from the combo of Blessing on Deja Vu. 3. Entropy/Time combinations that can benefit from the combo of Chaos Power and Deja Vu or Mutation and Deja Vu 4.Any dedicated Time deck that needs a creature to use with Eternity to prevent deck out.
What Deja Vu Combos with? 1. Any Buff ? After casting the Buff on the primary Deja Vu you can then use its ability to replicate and have 2 creatures with the benefit effectively doubling your bonus. The False God Paradox does this with great effect using Blessing. 2. Eternity ? After replicating a Deja Vu return one of them to your deck so you draw it again and replicate again giving you a tool for generating infinite creatures. The same effect also has the secondary effect of preventing you from decking out. 3. Anything that needs a sacrificial Creature ? Cremation, Mutation and some others all benefit from a creature to use their effect.