Just to ask,could we have a central market place? like a broad average price tag with the list of cards(like in the bazzar for the real game). From there, we can just do a subtraction or addition of prices by percentage? Like for example, i am in Aether city and i want to buy a aether pillar. normal price = 10 electrum. and lets say i get a 20% discount for aether cards, then i would pay 8 electrum instead and if i am in war with air for example, if i buy air cards, then i get a increase of price by 10%?. That way, the merchant would be affected by the relationship of elements?
Here's the current plan:
We will have 13 different lists of items, just like we have now. But instead of having only one price, we will have multiple different prices, and each customer uses the price that applies to him/her.
Prices will probably include these three:
Regular Price 100% (own element or alliance)
Discount Price 75% (Bargaining skill, high rep etc.)
Increased Price 125% (off-element)
Double Price 200% (bad rep, war etc.)
Something like that.
So the regular price would be determined by general supply and demand (geographically furthest elements are the most expensive ones). Other prices would be calculated using the regular price.
Then there's also the Auction where players themselves decide the prices.
Big problem with the Devotion skill tree is that some elements :cough:WATER:cough: are pretty much crippled when you're forced to use marks of your own element only. Easy solution: allow each player to start with their own Mark skill + 2 others that don't count against the Devotion tree. That would open up a lot of pretty good deck archetypes without aribtrarily requiring some elements to waste levels on other people's mark skills (fire, water) while other people can just spam mono very successfully (dark, life) and not waste any precious skill slots on other Marks.
Actually the mark thing has been changed. Marks no longer require skill points. Now you get a new Mark for each 3 levels, so the maximum number of marks a player can acquire is 8.
I forgot who suggested this in chat, but it's a really simple and great way to make the event more fun.
Related to that, you now get 1 Skill Point for each level (not 2 for level 1), making the maximum number 24. That means you can max out 2 skill trees if you so choose.